The Finality

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The night was still young, and as the new lovers held each other in the dead night, the silence that befell them was comfortable. 

It's dreamy, isn't it ?

Two forbidden lovers, held in the shackles of their positions, the role they play as a unit and those around them now spooning in bliss. 

Holding her hand in his tightly, Eridanos fingers trailed through her strands of hair that was sprawled out on his chest. The feeling was euphoric, one he had dreamed of since a boy, yet was forbidden due to his blind and naive father not to mention the dumb stricken people of the home they once lived. 

How he yearned to have her like this, not to gloat to others, but to feel her reciprocate the same festered infatuation he had.

Was it Love? Did he love her? Could he love her?

The answer of his self-questioning answered timely as the scenic images of them holding hands, old and grey with offsprings of their own running around dawned in his mind. He hadn't wanted the role as king , that wasn't his end goal. A small cottage with farm animals was what he saw. Her cooking up some stew, as he picked the lemons that grew right outside the kitchen. The five kids they had  being a year or two apart (this being so as Eridianos knew he couldn't keep his hands off of her too long) racing through the thick meadowy gardens they planted together. The smile on her face large and joyous as her green eyes sparkle for him. 

He wanted this, he wanted this forever, he wanted her forever and at that thought, he drew her impossibly closer. 

Her light moans of protest woke him from his hue of imagination as she fumbled to breathe. Eridanos scuffed "I'm not letting you go"

"You're killing mee" her groans of protest obviously theatric causing a light smirk to grace his face.

"Kiss me and I'll reconsider " 

He hadn't waited too long, as he felt her lips close around his- dancing to tune only they knew and shared so well. He sighed in content once she broke apart, hazy as he stared at her face that was sculpted in perfection.

"Forgive me" he mumbled 

Persefoni eyed him with a slight glint of admiration " And what am I forgiving you for?"

Looking down at her his face hard he drew the subject "For my chastisement as a child, I should've known better and aided you instead of pestering you on trivialities harming your emotions and feelings - my loyalty to you in this journey I would've hoped showed my outmost sincerity in apologizing for the wrongs I've done you. However, words are also needed and I'm more than sorry " 

Persefoni smiled, one he hadn't seen before, as the childhood  spark flashed across her features, her voice sultrily replied  "You are forgiven " 

He continued "I also would like to apologize for the hurt that will befall upon you in the future because of my lack of self-control. I- I could simply no longer wait.. I just, I needed you to feel me, I needed you to see me " 

Dragging in a shaky breathe she grasp the bottom of his face, lightly stroking with great care "I felt you alright " She murmured jokingly, causing a light rumble of laughter to roll from his chest. 

She liked this feeling, she liked hearing his laughter the way his eyes squinted as his body shock made her smile. Once the laughter passed they stared deeply at each other again. 

they had felt it 

Felt the sudden sadness hovering over their souls.

He would have to leave.

Not to his room 

But Infernus  

As the thought passed them, they gripped each other tightly. 

Nervously he hummed the words he had wanted to say what felt like forever ago "You know I love you Persephone " 

"I know" Nodding her head frantically she could feel her heartbreak 

"I'll do anything to keep you happy" he continued 

"I want you alive Eddie, call me a coward if you must but  I want you alive even if we don't indulge in this- if we do and you leave me" her voice cracked as she begin to feel the emotions he poured into her reciprocate " If I learn to love you as I should.... and you die... I'll break, I cant" 

Her words hung heavily in the air as he tried finding words to say, unknowingly she had admitted her love for him, unknowingly she had confessed she couldn't live without him, that was love, shakily he asked: "Will that make you happy ?"

Slow nods followed as they stared at each other again, their eyes telling secrets they could not utter.

He would leave after they won the war. 

A.N: Short chapter I know but the War is next and I wanted them to have their moment

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