Explanation: Names/ Words/ Phrases/

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 Words/Phrases :

Villages/ Cities:

 Village of CocksCold-

{Cock} in the word CocksCold, relates to "cocky", the people of Cockscold are self-absorbed, narcissist. They were stubborn, hard-headed similar to a cock the male version to a chicken. 

Cold in Cockscold; relates to the weather; whenever we are in Cockscolds it's always snowing, or chilly. " Cold" it also signifies the hearts of the people, being "cold" suggesting they are heartless, lack emotion or sentiment. Cold referring to ice signifies being frozen in time; their education system was outdated, they were underdeveloped due to urbanization, their belief also regarding race was also outdated or frozen. 

City of the South / Kings City- 

Suggest the geographical location of the city, City suggests modernity, prosperity. South meaning the people are southern- southern suggests being tied to the land, maddening in destiny. 


Means hell in late Latin, a place or condition suggestive to hell, especially with respect to humans, suffering. Being in Infernus meant you are an Infinite which suggests eternal suffering or losing mortality which is your conscience or the piece that makes you humane.

Pearl of Evimeria

Pearl- suggesting great rarity and worth.

Evimeria greek word for prosperity, and economic success. 

Main Characters Names introduced:


Goddess of Spring, the beautiful Greek goddess who was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter; Persephone in this chapter is referred to as the greek goddess before being captured by Hades. She's being overly protected as if danger lurks by Demeter. 


suggestive of being a mother of all mothers; refers to her position in the family tree as a grandmother. 


Technically means a police officer, this suggests his need to protect or react. It also suggests his race, being stereotypical "Bobby is a white man name".

One Blue eye One black:

suggest he has heterochromia, which separates him or provides a means of alienation for his character. It can be widely debated that he is the Hades to Persephone as he literally captures Persephone and taken her to Infernus which is the underworld.


Suggest the transition from being with Demeter, happy, free-willed high spirited juxtaposing her being in the underworld; callous, seductive, murderous.

Bible verses used:

Proverbs 15: 1 and 2 -

* A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.

(Popular verses used by black parents, suggest the need to be calm in an environment of hostility. Suggest the issue of racism as well, knowing that blacks will always be in the wrong it's better to be subservient to live than hostile for death as a consequence. )

* 27.5.25 (Daniel 5:25) "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin"

"This is the inscription that was written:mene, mene, tekel, parsin "Here is what these words mean: Mene[]: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. Peres: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians."

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