Is this what you want?

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"What is the meaning of thiss?!!" 

"Chaos? A stampede? Justice?" Persefoni uttered sarcastically as she threw her vambrace and gloves on the podium floor, not before waving it in gesture of her words. It took three-days journey back, two and a half as they were all pressed for time, the time would've been cut in half if it wasn't for the pelting rain. 

 The journey was silent, Persefoni zoning out in contemplation for the most of it, as Eddie rode close beside her, in efforts of comfort.  The rain wasn't letting up anytime soon, yet her men's horses plunged the slick soil in efforts of returning home.

"What will you do if he truly chooses her?' Eddie questioned as the horse slowed its pace to go across the river. 

The question was slightly below a hush, one they only could hear. The river was hallowed yet deep enough to harbor life, it wasn't that of great depths, it held what the banking could hold.  The noises of both its rushings and the rain beating against it formed a tranquil that would've blown them away if they had more time to analyze it.

Persefoni began, lips pressed in a firm line as she eyed Eddie's wet blonde curls that laid slick against his face" I've moped...., cried, threw tantrums-"

"You're not answering my question" Eddie gruffed, blocking her horse with his forcing them to a stop mid-river, he eyed his queen.  The rest of the men trodded past them with Daeril in the lead, eyes to themselves and ears closed. The action hadn't taken her by surprise. 

With hazed eyes, she  cocked brow " I said I'd kill him, didn't I?-"

Eddie huffed lips pressed in disapproval "We both know no matter how blood ranged you are, the care from your heart still prevails" 

"And what makes you so certain? " Persefoni growled hauling her horse away from his to continue their journey.  His eyes held a mocking truth she hadn't want to acknowledge.

"She's still alive" Eddie responded allowing Persefoni to look back at his figure that was still in the middle of the river. Once more she hauled her horse to a stop.

 "She's alive, because of your conscience, because you seek validation from a man that doesn't care for you!"  he bellowed against the rain.

With jaw clenched she eyed the blonde in the pelting rain "I don't need anyone to care for me. I can care for myself"  

Brows knitted he hauled his horse forward so they were both facing each other. "How about the blatant disrespect, the mocking, do you not care for your image?"  his voice was stern, lacking emotion, although a sort of sentiment was found in his eyes.  

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