Chapter twelve: finally Newport

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I wake up full of excitement and grab my journal, being careful not to wake anyone. Mike and Jade spent the night, after going to their houses to grab their suitcases for the trip. In the midst of trying not to wake them, I pull too hard from Justin's grip and he groans, pulling me closer and making me drop my journal. "Really, you still write in that?" He says as he opens his eyes and looks at me with a smile. "We're leaving today, are you excited?"

"Why wouldn't I be? Are you excited?" I ask him and his smile grows.

"Why wouldn't I?" He says and kisses my cheek. I let out a giggle, oh stupid self. "You're so cute." Justin says, causing me to blush.

"When should we wake them up?" I ask. He glances at the sleeping people and looks back at me.

"When do you want to leave?"

"Before my parents wake up."

"So, now?" I nod my head and Justin takes the pillow he was sleeping on and throws it at Mike. Mike groans loudly before swearing under his breath.

He looks up at Justin, then looks to Jade. "What? Why wake me up but not Jade?"

"We thought you could handle that." I say in complete honesty. He rolls his eyes and sits up, then throws the pillow at Jade. She snaps her eyes open and glares at Mike.

"Why the hell did you throw that at me?" She asks, extremely pissed off. Mike looks scared and glances at Justin and I, who are laughing at this. I can't believe he actually woke her up. I thought he would just go back to sleep.

"Um... I needed to wake you up." He says, raising his hands to show he means no harm.

"But why would you throw something at me?" He shrugs his shoulders and she sits up.

"Alright guys. Let's get ready, pack the car, and go." I say and everyone smiles.


"Can you two please stop fighting?" I ask Mike and Jade, who are in a heated discussion.

"Not until he apologizes." Jade says, crossing her arms.

"I don't need to apologize. I didn't wake you up from your nap." She rolls her eyes.

"Jade, that was me. I didn't realize you were sleeping." I say and she calms down. I look to Justin who is holding in a laugh keeping his eyes on the road.

"Hey, how much longer until we can get out of this car and walk? You know I'm not short, my legs need to stretch." Mike whines.

"Mike, calm down we only have half an hour left." I say and Mike just groans.

"Mike, we only have to go over one more bridge, and it's right there." Justin says, pointing.

This is the longest ride ever, with the two in back fighting and then whining at how much longer we have to go. I just laugh as they act like kids. "Justin, it's like we're their parents." I laugh, and he just let's out a nervous chuckle.


We arrive to the house. It isn't in a terribly crowded neighborhood but it's within walking distance of a bigger town. It house looks out over the salty water.

It's cute, a perfect Newport home. You look at it and you know that you're in Newport, Rhode Island. I walk in, carrying one of my bags, but I'm exhausted and I just want to lay down.

"Nicole, are you okay?" Justin asks from right next to me. I look at him and nod my head.

"Yeah, I'm just tired." I say with a yawn and Justin chuckles.

"Just rest on the couch, we got the rest." He says and I listen, sitting on the couch and placing a hand on my stomach absentmindedly.

"Justin, get your butt out here! Things will go a lot faster when you do!" Mike calls from outside. I laugh as Justin turns around and walks out the door. This place brings back fun memories of the times when Matt and I stayed for the summer.

I get up and walk around the place, looking at everything. This isn't going to be the summer I expected it to be, but I'll make the most of it. I know we only have about two weeks until my first appointment, and that scares me.

"Hey Nicole, we finished unpacking. Want to come grocery shopping with us? But first we can grab something to eat." Jade says. I turn and look at her.

"Sure, when are we leaving?" I say smiling, and she can't help but return it.

"Like now." She says. I laugh and we walk out the door. I smell the salty air and descend down the front steps and to the car.

"Hey beautiful." Justin says while hugging me. I hug him back, laughing.

"Can we go now? I'm hungry." They all laugh as Justin let's go of me.

"Not the car again." Mike whines but gets in. Jade gets in too, in the back next to Mike. I look to Justin and smile.

"I hope our baby doesn't act like them." I say quietly, putting a hand on my stomach subconsciously. He looks at me and he seems nervous. "I can tell that you're nervous." I say, stepping closer to him.

"It'll be fine, and we can do this. It's just hard to think it's all happening." Justin says, stepping closer to me. He takes one more step and wraps his arms around me. I look up into his eyes and he stares down into mine. He leans down and kisses me.

"Can you two hurry up? I'm hungry." Mike complains. Justin smiles against my lips and pulls away.

"I'm going to kill him, he whines like a two year old." Justin says and opens the car door for me.

He's right, this is all really happening. We are actually having a baby.
I hoped you liked it. This was kind of a filler, so they are finally in Newport.

Thank you for the 900+ reads, that makes me want to hug you all.

What do you think will happen next, at the first appointment?

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