Chapter eight: surprise date

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The rest of the week was a drag. The only excitement was me and Justin hanging out whenever we were out of school. I didn't want to be alone with Matt because he always asked how I felt. He also kind of treats me like I'm fragile. But today is Saturday and Justin is taking me out to do something. He told me I should wear jeans, so I am along with one of his sweatshirts. I put my hair in a bun and put on a little makeup.

"Nicole come on, hurry up." Justin calls, walking up the stairs to get to my room. I roll my eyes and hurry, nearly knocking into him at the top of the stairs. He grabs my arms to steady me and laughs. "Finally, now let's go." He says, letting me go and going downstairs. We get in the car and play the CD. Justin looks to me with a serious expression. "I love it when you wear my clothes, do you know that?" He says looking me up and down, smirking.

I feel myself blush and I look out the window. "I know. Now where are you taking me?" I question, looking back at him. He just laughs and shakes his head.

"I told you, it's a surprise." He says, driving down the street. I sigh and turns up the music. "I can't drink you away I've tried-" I slap him and he stops. "Hey, I was singing." He says.

"No, you were ruining the were too off key." I say. He shrugs his shoulders and keeps driving.

The car ride is quiet but it is taking too long. I kept bugging Justin if we were close, but he keeps saying no. Then we pull into a parking lot in front of a farm looking place. Is he taking me horseback riding? Oh my God I can kiss him right now... Wait what. I feel a smile on my face and I probably look like a little kid in a candy store. I hear Justin laughing and I look at him.

"So I'm guessing you figured it out." He says with a smile on his face.

"Yes! Come on what are we waiting for?!" I say, unable to control my excitement. I open my door and start walking without knowing where to go.

"Wait up!" Justin yells and jogs up to me. "We have all day, you don't have to rush." He says when he catches up to me. I turn to him.

"All day!" I say in total excitement. He just nods and grabs my hand, leading me in the right direction. We get to an office looking building next to the barn. We walk in and are greeted by a cute little border collie. There is a lady behind the desk and she smiles when she sees us. She looks tired and stressed. Her graying hair is in a bun and she wears jeans and a sweater.

"Oreo come here." She calls and the dog walks over by her. "Sorry about that. How may I help you?" She asks looking at us.

"I called earlier." Justin says and she smiles bigger nodding.

"Yes, okay go out to the barn and find Dan, he will help you pick your horse and saddle up." She says pointing in the direction of the barn. We walk out towards the barn and walk in. It has about six stalls on each side with horses in all of them.

"Dan." Justin calls out. I haven't realized we are still holding hands until he pulls me to a tack room. "Dan?" Justin asks and the man turns and looks at us. He seems around twenty five, probably the lady's son.

"Hello are you Justin...and Nicole?" He says, looking at us. We nod our heads and he smiles. It is kind of scaring my how they keep smiling like that at us. "Well, let's start by picking a horse. Just go and see which one you want to ride and I will be out in a minute." He says, turning back around. I let go of Justin's hand and nearly run back to the horses. I walk up to a brown paint horse. She has brown eyes that melt my heart. I look and see her name is Butterscotch. She comes up to me and nudges me with her nose, making me laugh. Then I feel arms wrap around my waist and I melt into them, knowing who it is.

"So you pick her... I knew you would. I'm going to be riding Scout." He whispers in my ear.

"Did you pick your horses?" Dan asks us. I move away from Justin, feeling my face heat up. "Are you going to ride Butterscotch?" He asks. I nod my head, turning to face him. He smirks at me and looks at Justin. "Are you riding Scout?" How did he know that?

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