Chapter twenty four: the promise

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Justin told me to get dressed so we can go. I have no clue what we are doing or where we are going, so I decided on a long sleeve shirt, with a scarf, jeans, and gray boots. I put my hair in a side braid along with putting on a little make up.

I get downstairs and see Mike and Jade finishing breakfast at the table. "Do you two know where he is taking me?" I ask them. They look at me smiling then back to each other. I roll my eyes at them. "Thanks for the help." I say sarcastically.

"He's outside waiting for you." Jade says answering my unasked question.

"Thank you." I say. I get out the door and walk down the steps. I see Justin leaning against the car. He is wearing jeans with a long sleeve tannish colored shirt. His hair is done in his messy way like always, which I found sexy.

"Well, don't you look nice." He complements when I reach him. He wraps his arms around me and pecks my lips.

"You don't look bad yourself. So, mind telling me where we are going?" Justin laughs letting me go.

"It's a surprise. Now let's go." He says opening the door for me. I get in putting a hand on my stomach.

"Sometimes your daddy worries me." I say to them as he opens his door.


"Okay you have taken me to random places all day, so where are you taking me now?" I ask as I see it's almost dinner time.

"Oh come on, you had fun." He says turning up the music. He is playing my CD, which had me smiling. I mean I did have fun today, even if all we did was walk around downtown.

"You're right I did. But where are you taking me now?" I ask him, but realize we are heading to the beach. Is he taking me to watch the sunset? It's weird though because he has been kind of acting strange all day.

Right now his grip on the steering wheel is tight. He is nervous for some reason, so I put my hand on his arm. He relaxes a little.

We get to the beach and he is freaking out. He won't talk or look at me, and I'm getting worried. I take his hand as we walk along the water. "Justin, are you okay?" I ask looking up at him. He keeps his eyes on the ground gulping. He nods his head running his hand, that I'm not holding, through his hair. He has been doing that all day too, which is what he does when he is nervous.

"Justin, I know something is bothering you." I say stopping. He stops and turns to me. He looks in my eyes taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so nervous." He says looking to the ground. His still free hand reaches in his pants pocket. He pulls out a small black velvet box. I look at him confused as he meets my eyes.

"Justin-" He cuts me off.

"I wanted to do this smother, but I'm not good with this kind of stuff. I wanted it to be really special, but I don't need to show off for you." He opens the box revealing a ring. I gasp putting my hands over my mouth. I feel tears start to gather in my eyes.

"I promise to always be there for you, and for our kids. No one could ever replace you, Nicole. I love you and promise to never stop loving you. I know you may not feel the same, and I'm okay with that. I just need you to know I fell... hard... for you. Nothing can change that. So, please take this promise ring... for me." Justin says getting a little teary eyed. I on the other hand can't control my tears.

"Justin I-" I say through tears nodding my head. He looks at me and smiles wrapping his arms around me. I hug him kissing his lips with as much passion as I can muster.

We break apart and he slides the ring on. I look at it then at him. "I love you too, Justin." He chuckles hugging me tight.

"You don't have to say it because I did." He tells me kissing my head. I pull back a little to look at his face.

"I didn't say it because you did. Justin, I'm freaking head over heels for you." I say. Justin grins at me leaning forward.

"God I love you so much." He says before kissing me. We heard some awes from some of the other people walking the beach. We ignored them kissing each other passionately.


We get back to the house and don't even get to the door before it swings open. Jade and Mike are standing there with big grins. "How was your day?" Jade asks winking.

I look at Justin, who is rolling his eyes, and then back to Jade. "You knew the whole time?"

"Um... yes." She says hiding behind Mike.

"You could have at least hidden it better." I chuckle walking pass them and into the family room. I sit on the couch feeling so tired.

"Babe, do you want to go watch a movie upstairs?" Justin asks standing next to the couch. I nod my head taking his hand following him to our room.

We get comfortable and I lay in his arms playing with the ring. "Oh, my mom says when we get back she has a surprise for us." Justin says. I look up at him raising an eyebrow. "I called her yesterday." He explains.

"Oh. What do you think it is?" I ask, and Justin shrugs.

"I don't know. With her it could be anything." He chuckles.

"You got that right." I sigh. "I hate surprises." I groan earning at chuckle from Justin.

"I know you do." He says and kisses my head.


"My mom has been bugging me about packing for college." Jade complains.

"We can always head back a few weeks early." I tell her. She gives me a smile.

"I think it would be best. Mike has been saying the same thing about his parents. We just feel bad taking away from your vacation." She says feeling guilty.

"Jade, don't feel bad. I totally get it, and if it weren't for these two I would be in the same spot as you." I say rubbing my stomach in small circles.

"You and Justin are taking the year off, that's smart." She says. I roll my eyes looking at my swollen stomach. "Have you two thought of names?" She asks putting a hand on my stomach. I look at her with a smile.

"Yes, we have. The boy is Austin Joseph and the girl is Olivia Jordan." I say. I look back at the frozen yogurt place. "How long does it take?" I whine. Jade chuckles.

"I like the names. They are so cute." She coos. "To answer your question I don't know. It's Justin and Mike anything can happen." We look at each other and laugh.

"You got that right." I say looking back to see the guys walk out. "Finally." I sigh as they reach us.

"Hey it's not our fault we took so long." Mike says handing Jade her's.

"Yeah there were like a pack of ten year olds." Justin says handing me mine. I roll my eyes not saying anything about it.

"So, Mike... your parents want you back earlier than we originally planned?" I ask. He slowly nods his head. "Well, we will just have to leave earlier then." I says putting some frozen yogurt in my mouth.

"Wait, what?" Justin asks confused. I look at him shaking my head.

"Their parents what them back earlier than planned. To pack and spend time with family before they leave." I explain. He nods his head understanding now, and he takes a spoonful of his frozen yogurt.
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