Chapter thirty three: the holidays

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Everyone loves Christmas, right? I mean I love the holidays, but right now I want to cry. Why you may be asking yourself, well Justin and everyone have been gone all day.

I have been stuck with the twins. I love them, but they are a lot to handle. It's Christmas Eve and I have to get ready along with bathing the babies... And myself. I tried calling Matt but he didn't pick up. No one is answering their phones.

I sigh as I put Austin in the crib and take Olivia to the bathroom. Austin is crying, screaming crying, and I just ignore it. They miss their dad, and I know this because they are crying a lot more.

I gently bathe Olivia in the warm water before taking her out. I wrap a warm and fuzzy towel around her and carry her back to her room. I place her on the changing table and put a dipper on her.

I want her to be comfy and cute, and not to mention match whatever her brother is going to wear, in some sort of way. I dress her in a red and white stripes pants that have a reindeer on the butt, and a red onesie that says my first Christmas.

I put her in her crib and take Austin for a bath. They whole time he cries and I hear Olivia crying too. I groan wrapping him in a towel and bringing him to his room to change him. I dress him in a black and white stripped pants that have Santa on the butt and a gray onesie that says Santa's little helper.

I put him in his crib and head to Justin and I's room. I ignore my crying babies as hard as it is. I look in my closet to see what I should wear. I find black leggings and one of my Christmas sweaters along with a gray beanie and gray short UGG boots. I smile happy I found something and quickly hop in the shower.

After quickly doing what I need to I get out and get dressed. I dry my hair leaving it down with the beanie and put on minimal makeup. I walk to my babies' room to see they are sleeping. I look at my phone to see a text from Justin.

Come downstairs.

I smile knowing he is finally here. I hurry down the stairs and freeze at the sight. He is standing there in black dress pants and a red button up shirt. He is standing there smiling next to the Christmas tree that is near the stairs. I look further into the living room and see everyone. My cousins, brother, aunts and uncles, my dad, and Justin's family- his whole family.

I smile widely feeling tears gather in my eyes. He walks up to me hugging me tight kissing the top of my head. "Don't cry." He whispers.

"I can't believe you did this. Here I thought we weren't going to be doing anything special." I say feeling a few tears leave my eyes. He pulls back wiping my tears away with his thumbs.

"It was a surprise. I makes it more intreating because they are staying over night." I look at him with wide eyes and my mouth drops.

"Really?" I ask surprised. He grins nodding his head. I peck his lips and hug him tight. I hear the babies start crying and I groan looking at Justin.

"What?" He asks confused.

"They haven't stopped crying. Go see them I think they missed you." I say stepping away from him.

"Come on let's both go get them." He smiles chuckling. I smile as he takes my hand leading the way.


"So, where is Jordan?" I ask sitting next to Matt. My uncle is holding Austin while Vlad is holding Olivia. They stopped crying seeing their dad, which was music to my ears. They haven't cried other than needing something all last night which I was thankful for.

"She is coming a little later." He says smiling at just the thought of seeing her.

"How come you didn't go to her family last night?" I ask leaning into his side. His arms wraps around me as he sighs.

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