Chapter thirty two: life with newborns

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It's been two weeks since we got home, and my cousins are coming to visit. When they heard the twins were born they tried to come as fast as they could.

I'm currently making lunch with Justin as we wait for them to arrive. The babies are down for their nap and I'm thrilled. They are actually sleeping through the night, most nights. We have gotten into a routine now too, which is good.

Being a parent though is tiring. I don't know how new mothers do this... Or do it more than once. But hey, it's life with newborns. "Hey, babe do you want your bread toasted?" Justin asks turning the oven on.

"Yes, that would be nice." I says taking a seat on the stool in the kitchen. Emily went over to Ethan's house an hour ago, which took some persuading for Justin to let her. I just told her be carful and use protection. Both their faces were priceless. They went after they came home from school.

The doorbell rings and there are knocks on the door. I look to Justin laughing. "Looks like your cousins are here. Go get the door before they wake up the-" Justin is cut off by soft cries from the baby monitor.

"Go get her before she wakes up her brother." I say. He nods his head before jogging up the stairs. I head to the door quickly opening it. I glare at my cousins who are all smiling.

"What's wrong with you " Vlad asks.

"You woke Olivia up." I say annoyed. They all look extremely guilty now, and I move aside so the could come in. They all quietly come in giving me a hug in the process. I shut the door and we all head to the kitchen. Justin is pacing the room with Olivia bouncing her a little. She is quiet and Justin is smiling holding her close.

"Hey Justin." My cousins greet. He looks up at them and smiles.

"Want me to take her so you can finish lunch?" I ask.

"Yeah, here." He says gently placing my baby girl in my arms. I grin looking down at her face. I feel my cousins all surround me and roll my eyes at that. Olivia, though, looks around at all of them before smiling widely.

"Aww." They coo. I laugh at them causing Olivia to look up at me. She reaches her little fists into the air towards me.

"What baby girl?" I ask in my baby voice.

"Can I hold her?" Veronica asks. I look up to her nodding my head. There is another soft cry on the monitor and I sigh.

"Here, I need to go get Austin." I say. I gently place Olivia in her arms before jogging to my crying boy. I open the door and turn on the lights. "What's wrong Austin?" I ask picking him up. I scrunch my noise up realizing he needs to be changed. "Come on let's change you." I kiss his head as I walk to the changing table.

"You know he can't answer back, right?" I hear my cousin. I roll my eyes changing my baby.

"How's the girlfriend going?" I ask him. I find it funny to know him and the mansion tour guide girl are actually together.

"Great. She is coming down here for the holidays." He grins. I look at him smiling.

"That's great." I cheer.

"Hey, I heard about how your mom visited you." He says gently. I freeze for a second looking down to my son.

"Yeah, and?"

"She's upset... With herself mostly."

"She should be. Dan she left me when I needed her the most. She was always against me..." I trail off feeling tears start to sting my eyes. I pick Austin up, now that he is changed, and look to Dan.

"I know, but doesn't she deserve a chance?"

"I already gave her one, and she blew it."

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize." He says looking down.

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