Chapter nine: the secret is out

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Our last finals are tomorrow and I have been slightly slacking, not wanting to be too stressed. The girls are over to study together because we all have the same subject but different teachers. Matt is sleeping over a friend's and has been treating me at least a little more normally. Right now, Jade is quizzing Abby on some vocabulary words while I get some food. "Yeah, you got it."

"Thank goodness. I hope I don't fail." I walk into the room and see them lying on the ground, surrounded by flash cards.

"Hungry?" I ask. They both turn to look at me and nod their heads. I hold a bowl of pretzels in one hand and chex mix in the other hand. They get up and come over, each stuffing a handful in their mouths.

"Shouldn't you be studying more? You've always told me that you and history don't mix." Jade asks, sitting next to me and reaching for another handful of pretzels. I shrug and grab a handful myself.

"I'm trying not to stress myself out that much." She nods in agreement.

"Did you hear what happened with Seth?" Abby asks us. We shake our heads and look at her. "He got arrested for drinking and driving. He got let out the next day but he still lost his scholarship." I feel my mouth drop but before we can talk more about it, Abby's phone buzzes and she groans. "My parents want me to get home now." She says, standing up. We all get up and hug before she leaves.

I take a seat on the couch with Jade. "What's up with you?" Jade asks me. I look at her, confused but knowing what she means. I have still been tired and tend to eat slightly more than before. Justin and I have been hanging out more without the rest of the gang and they don't really like it. Also, I've been a little moody; I kept snapping at the cheerleaders that were trying to flirt with guys. The guys found it funny though. I sigh and look away for a second. Can I tell her...? I can trust her. Abby won't be able to keep that secret and if I have to choose the one I am closer to, it would be Jade. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" She says and I look to her again, nodding my head.

"I don't know how to say this...but I'm...pregnant." I say and she looks at me, wide eyes with her jaw dropped. We sit there in silence for who knows how long when my doorbell rings. I get up to go answer it. I open the door and there stands Mike.

"Hi, can I stay here the night?" I nod my head and let him in.

"Why? Weren't you supposed to be at Justin's?" I ask as I shut the door.

"Yeah but his sister came home and pissed me off. I'm not going back there tonight." I roll my eyes and we walk into the family room where I left Jade. She is still sitting where I left her and just turns and looks at me then gets up and hugs me tight. I hug her back, knowing this is her way of showing she will be supportive.

"I'm here for you Nicole." She says, still not letting go. Mike, who was next to me, clears his throat and we both let go.

"Way to leave me out." He says as we both look at him. "Oh and by the way, I'm not sleeping on the floor." He says as he walks over to the couch. I roll my eyes and look to Jade.

"He's spending the night." I say and she nods. I give her a look not to say anything and she nods back. We sit back on the floor so I can quiz her.

"Are you guys really studying? We all know you already know everything Jade." Mike says, watching us.

"Shut up." She says to him.

"Nicole, have you studied? I know you need to."

"Wow, thanks Mike. Way to bring up my self esteem." I say sarcastically. "Hey, can you pass me the pretzels?" I ask Mike and he grabs the bowl.

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