Chapter twenty eight: the baby shower

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I'm freaking out. My friends told Justin to take me out today. That only means one thing- they are doing the baby shower. We are at a pet store right now petting puppies.

I hold a little black toy poodle puppy. It looks at me with it's brown eyes I smile looking down at the puppy named Clover. She is so small and fragile in my arms, and it makes me smile thinking of my twins that will be like this puppy in my arms. "Don't get any ideas." Justin whispers in my ear. I smile looking at him.

"In the future." I assure him. He smiles and kisses my cheek. He looks down to the boxer puppy jumping up on him. He smiles and pets the little puppy before sitting on the ground with him. The boxer puppy's name is Romeo, and it suits the little charmer.

"What about the boxer?" He asks looking up at me. I look at the puppy in my arms then to the boxer.

"I don't know I like a bigger dog, but I like this poodle." I say sitting on the bench in the pen.

"Well we still have time." He says smiling at me. The girl, that gave us the puppies, comes back to the gate or our little pen.

"Do you guys have any questions?" She asks only looking at Justin. She is are age, but clearly not from our high school. She only looks to Justin and pays no attention to me, the pregnant girl her age! Justin looks to me meeting my eyes.

"What do you think, babe?" He asks. I smile at him.

"We need to talk this over." I say and look to the girl. "We are going to think about it." I say, and reluctantly give her Clover, who was giving me those puppy eyes. I have to look away to not just buy her.

"Okay. And if you decide to get one or for any questions, call." She says giving me a forced smile. I roll my eyes and look to Justin who is holding the boxer puppy.

"Babe, we have to get going or we will be late." He says. I blush from his words and just nod my head.


We pull up to Justin's house and I feel myself freak out. I step out of the car and hug my jacket closer to be from the chilly wind. Justin meets me and wraps his arm around me. We walk to the door, but what confuses is me are there are no cars around.

He unlocks the door and we enter the dark house. I look at Justin raising an eyebrow, and he just smiles. "We are only here to change. So go and put something nice on." He instructs. I look at him like he is joking.

"Are you changing too?" I ask.

"Of course." He takes me hand and leads me to the stairs. "Come on Jade will kill be if you are really late, so will my mom and sister." He says. I laugh following him up the stairs. We reach our room and there on my bed is an outfit for me. It's a gray sweater dress type thing that has a skinny brown belt with black leggings and tall brown boots. I smile grabbing it and walking to the bathroom. Justin stays out here to change and get ready for the event.

After touching up with some make up, and brushing out my long wavy brown hair, I walk out of the bathroom. I see Justin there in dark jeans putting on a gray long sleeve shirt, with the sleeves pushed up to the elbows. The shirt buttons at the top with three, but he has only the first one buttoned. He is running a hand through his hair as he sees me.

"You look nice." He says smiling. I smile back as I walk over to him.

"So do you. Now, where are we going?" I ask hugging him. He chuckles kissing the top of my head.

"That's a surprise. Come on we can't keep everyone waiting." He sighs leading me down the stairs and out to the car. We get in, but before he starts the car he turns and looks at me.

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