Chapter seven: it's ture i'm having a baby

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I wake up to my stupid alarm clock. I sit up and hit the snooze button. I am still feeling tired and a little nauseous, but I shake off the feeling and go to my closet. I put on jeans and Matt's basketball tee shirt, then put my hair in a side braid along with some makeup to make me look a little more presentable. I head downstairs to try and eat some food before I have to go.

"Hey... We need to make an appointment. Just to make sure. When should I make it for?" Matt asks from the table. He looks extremely tired, probably from staying up and thinking of what to do.

"Any day after school except Friday" I say as I put the toast in the toaster.

"Do you feel any different?" He asks, getting up and coming to me. I try to think if I do, but I don't. I just know not to make it a big deal and, if I am right, I should only be four weeks.

"No, I don't... I just don't know when I should tell them or how to tell them." I say and my toast pops. I start to spread the peanut butter and jelly on it. He knows who I mean and that I am really not looking forward to the day I have to tell them.

"Don't tell them until we know for sure." I nod my head as I take a bite of my breakfast. I hurry and finish it, then sprint up the stairs to brush my teeth. There is a knock on the front door and I hear Matt get it. "Nicole come on, Justin's here." He calls up to me, and I sprint down to them. I gab my bag and head to the door.

"Ready?" Justin asks as he smiles.

"Yeah. Bye Matt, don't forget to call them." I say turning to Matt.

"I won't, have a good day." He says and closes the door. Justin and I walk to his car, not saying anything. We get in and start driving while listening to my CD.

"How did you sleep last night? You look tired."

"Not the best. I wasn't tired then." He laughs at that and keeps driving.

"Hey, this weekend I'm taking you somewhere for your birthday." He says.

"My birthday was yesterday."

"Yeah, but we did what you felt like. I have something planned that you will die for." He says smiling.

"Can't wait." I say as he pulls into a parking spot. We get out and start towards our lockers. "Where will we be going?" I ask, getting my locker open. He just laughs and shakes his head.

"Can you open my locker?" He says, gesturing to his locker. I roll my eyes and push him out of the way. "Thank you. And no, it's a surprise." He says smirking. I get his open then move back to mine just as some blond chick came walking up to Justin.

He is one of those jocks that gets all the girls and doesn't even realize it. Every girl in the school drools over him and his friends. He never seems to notice though and neither do the guys. They just call them their fans and don't think twice about them. But this girl is the captain of the cheerleading team and can't help but try, a little too hard, to get Justin's attention.

"Hey Justin... Um there is a party at my house this weekend. Do you want to come?" That's why he goes to so many parties, all the cheerleaders and the people on the team invite him, and he often tries to get me to tag along. Justin doesn't notice her there because he is watching me... I nod my head towards her and he looks.

"Oh. Hey Ally, didn't see you." He says smiling towards her. She blushes sending a quick glare my way. I just roll my eyes.

"Yeah... Um... Hey Ally, Justin and I have birthday plans, sorry. He also doesn't get with sluts like you." I say rudely. Justin looks at me in amusement as she looks at me in shock. I guess I shouldn't have said that. I'm one to never talk back but she just got me so pissed off. Or maybe its this pregnancy thing. Ally takes a step closer to me, trying to make herself scarier, but I do the same.

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