Chapter two: the party

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(Nicole's dress⬆️)

I open my eyes me still on his chest, and Justin sleeping. I reach to my nightstand and grab a journal, which is really my diary. I have always had one which luckily Justin has never found out. I always write in it as soon as I wake up, and he is still asleep.

Dear diary,
The guys found out that I like Seth. He also accepted and he me followed back. Then he sent me a dm, there is a party tonight and we are meeting each other. I can't wait to see him...maybe he will ask me out? But I'm not going to get my hopes up, he probably just wants to get with me. I have to go Justin is waking up.

I put it back as Justin starts to stir. I look at him as his eyes open. He just smiles at me, and I can't help but smile back. "Ready to party tonight?" He asks pulling me closer.

"Yeah I'm meeting you know who." I say excitement clear in my voice. He looks at me and shakes his head.

"How come you never say his name?" I look at him like he is crazy. He just laughed at me. "Never mind. Hey do you smell that." I breath in and smile.

"Pancakes!" We both shout at the same time and sprint to get there first. But we both trip on each other, and fall on the ground in my room.

We both regain ourselves and run me leading the way down the stairs, but Justin passes me getting to the kitchen first. "I win." He shouts proudly grabbing a plate. My mother is at the table finishing her coffee. She looks at us and laughs.

"You cheated." I accuse him. He looks at me and laughs.

"That's funny I thought you said I cheated." He says catching his breath. I glare at him.

"I did."

"That hurt, you think I would cheat." He says putting his hand over his heart acting hurt. "I'm sorry I'm just faster." He says filling his plate with four pancakes some eggs and bacon.

"Nicole I have to go to work. I won't see you so have a good time at the party." My mom says putting her mug in the sink breaking up our fight.

"Thanks mom I will." I say grabbing a plate.

"Justin please watch her." She tells him, smiling at him and winking at me.

"Will do." He says taking a seat. Then she leaves and footsteps come down the stairs. We both look as I take my seat. Some blond haired girl comes down sees us and froze.

"Um I just going to be going." She says pointing to the door. Then she turns and leaves. Justin and I both shudder then look at each other.

"I'm guessing he fell back into his old ways." Justin says even though it was clearly obvious.

"Of course he did." I say shrugging my shoulders and taking my first bite of my chocolate chip pancake. We start eating in silence until we heard foot steps on the stairs again.

"Is it cold?" Matt's voice asks as he walks into the kitchen and eyes the food.

"Who was she?" I ask ignoring his question. He just shrugs his shoulders...yup back to his old ways. I shake my head and shove my last bite of pancakes into my mouth. Justin just sighs and finishes his pancakes too. He ate double what I did in the same amount of time it took me just to eat what was on my plate.

We clear away our plates and Matt leaves to go with his friends. I look at Justin as I hop on the counter. "Home all know what that means." I say and he gives me a weird look then smirks at me.

"Your going down." He says walking up to me.

"Yeah right this is the only thing I'm good at." I say hopping down and running up to my room to change. "Here are you clothes!" I shout throwing them out into the hall. I put on a pair of jeans and a swim team sweatshirt. I throw my hair into a messy bun, and put on my navy blue converses. We walk into the garage and find the nerf guns. I take one and give the other to Justin with one bullet each, along with the vest. It's more fun to play in the summer with the water ones, but it's only April.

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