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The burning sensation across my hand and arm numbed as Sakazuki lunged at Luffy. “Wait!” I screamed, the hot air stinging the back of my throat. I lunged forward, shielding Luffy, my back turned to the Magma Man. Instead of a flaming strike piercing me, I looked at Luffy, on the ground, then turned around. There stood Whitebeard, his blade Murakumogiri buried into the ground to his side, one hand wrapped around it. The tower of a man that took me in had his other hand around Akainu's arm, Hardening Armament Haki all the way to his elbow, giving him the ability to touch Sakazuki.

“Protecting those two devil spawn, huh?” The Admiral said, trying to pull his arm out. Instead, magma and boiling blood fell out of Whitebeard chest, but Sakazukis arm not moving.

“They’re not devil spawn.” the old man said, his voice not shaking at all. “The son can’t be blamed for the sins of the father!” With that, Pops pulled his large blade out of the ground with his free hand and swung it at Akainu, the Magma Man lifting his other arm, but a Seaquake going off, knocking the man down. His arm left the hole in Whitebeards chest, blood pooling out, landing with a ‘hiss’ on the stone ground.

“Old man.” I said, my body shaking. I stood up straight, faintly hearing Luffy screaming indecipherably. “Why?”

“Go on and live, Ace.” Whitebeard said, turning his head to me. “Go and live, spite this bastard, and carry on.” After speaking, he raised his hand, a Seaquake prepared.

“Old man!” I screamed, extending my hand. Instead of reaching my father, the Seaquake exploded against the air before me, surrounding the old mans severely burnt hand. The shock threw me and Luffy backwards, landing on my side, Luffy on his back.

“Ace, don’t let the old mans sacrifice be in vain!” Luffy screamed, his voice finally audible again as he extended his hand. I shook my head, clearing it and took my brothers hand. Looking back, the old man swung his large blade again, a large earthquake rumbling the island. “That strength is insane.” Luffy said as we ran away from where the titans were dueling, all the chaos around us disappearing as my mind raced. I was too weak. I shouldn’t have gotten captured by Teach. If I had listened to Pops, he wouldn’t be having to d… It’s my fault. As we ran, a familiar blue whale shark fishman met us, running with us.

“Ace, good to see you.” Jinbe said, his voice serious. We kept running, cannon balls exploding nearby, but not obstructing our path. As we got closer to the edge of the island, Marco soared overhead, his burning blue wings obvious in the sky.

“Hold the Marines back!” he screamed, flying around where a majority of the forces were. “Leave Akainu to Pops, and once Ace gets clear with Jinbe and Straw-Hat, retreat!” A roar from the troops sounded, deafening me. With that, a wave of troops swallowed the path we had run down. Then, suddenly, Luffy gasped, then fell forward.

Not missing a single step, Jinbe caught my brother and carried his now unconscious body under his arm as he ran. “He pushed himself too far! We need a doctor!” I clenched my jaw, not being able to do a single thing. Then, a few Marines appeared, pointing rifles at Jinbe, causing us to stop our sprint.

“Fire!” one screamed, bullets flying out of their guns. Instead of hitting the fishman, a large blue-ish dome expanded, the bullets disappearing, the Marines falling from gunshot wounds. Behind them stood a man in a yellow and black jacket and leopard spotted hat.

“I’m a doctor!” he screamed, a large sword slung over his shoulder. “I can treat Strawhat, come on!” He waved his hand, signalling me and Jinbe to return to our sprint. The clearing in front of us was blocked by Marines, aiming guns and a single cannon in the middle. They all fired, but the doctor slashed his large sword, cutting all the projectiles in half, sending half of each flying, the only danger being the cannonball half. Before it could hit us, however, a familiar blue flaming claw grabbed the cannon ball and flew off with it. Thank you, Marco. You never wanted praise, but you deserve it. The three of us kept running, me taking the front.

“Fire Fist!” I screamed, throwing a punch at the line of Marines, sending them all flying with an explosion, aided by the gunpowder. We kept running, passing the burnt bodies of the Marines I blasted. Reaching the edge of the island, I looked around, no ship visible. “Where the hell is your ship!?” I asked in a scream.

The doctor simply looked at me as a yellow ship emerged from under water. Not coated like you can get at Sabaody, but an actual submarine. The same blue dome expanded, the doctor raising his thumb, pointer and middle fingers, saying “Shambles.” Suddenly, we were in a metal cylinder, standing exactly how we were before. “The name is Law, by the way.” the doctor said, a panda Mink taking Luffy from Jinbe. “Trafalgar Law. I’m the captain of the Heart Pirates, and this is the Polar Tang.” He turned around, glaring at us from over his shoulder. “And of course I know you two, “Fire Fist” Ace, son of Gold Roger, and “Knight of the Sea” Jinbe, Warlord of the Sea.”

Instead of getting caught up in introductions, I followed the panda mink and Law, leading to an operating room, a screen displaying the visual Den Dens cast from Marineford. On the screen, Pops stood there, both hands wielding his sword, slamming the blade into the ground, causing the ground to shatter to pieces. Get out of there, Old Man! Use the fleet’s ships and retreat! Then, the large man turned around, and my heart dropped. Not just one, but two gaping holes in his chest, blood spewing from them, along with countless sword slashes and stabs, some blades still in his body, both broken and whole. Then, after breathing heavily, he spoke. “This age is coming to an end.” Behind him, Sakazuki was unconscious on the ground, his Marine uniform almost completely shredded.

“Old man.” I said, slowly walking to the screen as the Heart Pirates started treating Luffy. Jinbe joined me, standing in front of the screen.

“Boss Whitebeard.” he said, his breathing labored.

“But the next age is just beginning!” Pops shouted, panting. “And those two so-called “Devil Children” will be the ones to bring it around!” I felt my heart crack as he coughed, blood spewing out. “And to end this age…” he started, raising both hands over his head, preparing his blade. Swinging it down, the ground exploded, sea water starting to cause segments of the island to flood. “Retreat, my sons! This will be my last battle, but the fight isn’t over!” With that, the Den Den cut to static.

“Shit!” I screamed, feeling my chest burst. “The old man can’t be…” I ran to one of the portholes in the submarine. The once grand island was now broken, pieces falling off the edges, splashing around us.

“Captain!” the polar bear Mink yelled. “Both debris and cannonfire is raining down. Shall we dive?”

“Yes. At top speed, Bepo.” Law said, not taking his hands away from Luffy, sticking needles into his arm.

“Oi.” I said, walking up to Law. He turned to me as I grabbed his collar. “What are you doing to my brother?!” I’ll kill him if he hurts my family. Jinbe can swim me and Luffy away anyway!

“I’m giving him some sedatives so he stays under.” he said, pointing to one of the IV bags. “I’m also replenishing his fluids, since it seems he’s somehow broke past his bodies limits.”

“Ivankov.” Jimbe said, lumbering over. “A commander in the Revolutionary Army was in Impel Down and broke out with Luffy. Luffy must have had Ivankov break his bodies limits.”

“How reckless can one guy be?” Law asked, tugging his collar out of my grip, going back to my brother. “We can give him all the medicine and treatment he needs, but it’ll come down to him wanting to live.”

“Of course he wants to live.” I said, turning back to the static filled screen. “He saved me, and he’ll never let me live it down.” As I finished, I felt a smile creep upon my face while tears streamed down my face silently. I can’t lose two families today. Stay Strong, Luffy!

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