Part 15: Free For All

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"Ace, you okay!?" he asked, as I wiped the blood from my nose.

"Didn't know he could use Armament Haki." I said, smiling. "That's the only reason he got me."

"You don't look too good, Ace." he said, looking at my wounds. "Maybe you should stay back and let me..." Before he could finish, Hody shot towards us, his fists both coated in Haki. We got out of his way as the Fishman flew past, quickly disappearing. "The Army is fighting the Fishmen Pirates over there." Luffy said, quickly running in that direction. I followed, blasting flames out of my legs, flying right above Luffy. "Don't push yourself too hard, Ace."

"I know, bro, relax." I said, smiling, the pain in my chest severe. I think that punch broke a rib or two. Then, that second hit definitely gave me a concussion. This is fine, Luffy can't worry about me.

As we reached the battlefield, the scope of the conflict finally clicked, neary 100,000 of the Fishman Pirates were clashing with the Neptunian Army, the 2nd Division of the Phoenix Pirates, and the other Strawhats. "We gotta get down there." Luffy said, pointing at one figure. "That's Hody, 100%. He's gonna turn the battle in his favor!!" I grabbed Luffys hand and blasted flames out of my feet, sending us flying over the battlefield.

"We'll meet up with the crew first." I said, holding Luffy with both hands, flying over the large crowd. We both scanned, Luffy pointing down. "There they are!!" I exclaimed, seeing what Luffy was pointing to. I flew us downwards, then landed, Luffy jumping off my back.

"Nice of you to join us, Captain." Zoro said, one sword in each hand, clashing with two fishmen. Then, in a quick maneuver, sliced their blades and hands, then across their chests. "I take it that big crash a little bit ago was Hody, then?"

"Yeah, he got away from us." Luffy said, his body steaming as he assumed his signature pose. "But we should be fine."

"Jeez, captain." Usopp said, pulling a ball out of his hip pocket. "What utter confidence you have in us. We'll be sure to make sure we follow through."

"We'll be SUPERRRR sure to make you proud, Captain." Franky said, his knuckles smoking from his guns.

"Great!" Luffy yelled, the crew all smiling. "Where are Sanji, Robin, and Chopper?"

"Chopper is treating the other two far away from the battlefield." Brook said, holding his cane. "Sanji is quite hurt from saving Robin-san, and Robin is unconscious from protecting the tower."

"Damn, I was too reckless." Luffy said, his usual smile now a gritted mess, his stern eyes staring towards where Hody had been. "I'll apologize to Sanji after all of this is over."

"And that will be?" I asked, walking to Luffy's side. I know you, bud.

"Right now." he said, the steam pouring off his body in larger clouds. "Everyone else, join up with the Army and Phoenix Crew. We'll take Hody." He looked at me and asked, "Can you keep up?"

"What a dumb question." I said, then we both exploded off, heading towards where Hody had been. I let both hands fall behind me, the entirety of them becoming flame as we approached the hulking Fishman who was swinging a large sword around. "St. Elmos Fire, Inferno!!" I screamed, flinging my arms at Hody, flying over him at a far distance. Hody turned towards me as the flame arrows neared him. He lifted his arm, covered in Armament Haki. The arrows collided and, surprisingly, pierced the blackened arm, appearing to shatter the Haki coating. Then, the arrows exploded in flames, engulfing his entire arm and causing him to drop his sword. He waved his arm around as I landed on the ground, and made finger guns, putting them together. "Fire Rifle!!" A thin, long blast of flames shot out of my fingers, hitting Hody in the face, causing him to fall backwards, the smoke surrounding his head.

"Jet Hawk!!" Luffy screamed, slamming his fist into the back of Hodys skull, the steaming hand covered in Haki, and causing Hody to fall forwards.

"It seems you stepped into the ring." I said, exhaling, a ring of flames surrounding me. "Burn to a crisp, Flame Commandment Dome!" With that, the ring exploded into half a ball, swallowing both of us, causing Hody to roar, trying to jump out of the circle. Instead, my body moved through the flames and I appeared in front of him, my hand drawn back. "Can't stand the heat?" With that, the entire dome disappeared, the flames focusing directly in my hand. "Explosion Release Fist!" Throwing a normal Fire Fist, the compressed flames exploded outwards, sending Hody flying back, and as he flew back, the ground disintegrating as the flame blast passed it.

"Gum Gum..." Luffys voice called, my eye catching a glimpse of him as he sped towards where Hody was flying. Then, he was standing in Hodys flight path, his arm inflated behind him, and his feet mounted. "Elephant Gun!!" With that, he threw the oversized fist at the fishman, and as it landed, the fishmans teeth exploded from his mouth, his entire body smoking. As the smoke dissipated, his body became visible, all his teeth knocked out, the base of the teeth being all that was left in his head, none of them growing back.

Both me and Luffy walked to where Hodys body laid, almost exactly halfway between us. The pain in my ribs had nearly all but vanished. I guess my flame body just had to reorganize to repair the damage. Before I could speak, I looked at Luffy, then my vision went black. "Ace!" Luffys voice screamed as the ground came into my peripheral vision.

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