Part 8: Archipelago Arrival

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Luffy and I stood on the shore of Sabody, Luffy struggling to carry the bag of food Boa Hancock had made for him. "Now, I dunno where they are, but your crew should be around here somewhere, Luffy." Rayleigh said.

"Gotcha!" Luffy said, smiling. "I'm sure we'll find 'em!"

"Thanks for everything, Rayleigh." I said, extending my hand. He shook it as he replied.

"Of course, Ace. Now go and light this era a blaze." Rayleigh said, then me and Luffy started walking.

/\/\/\A While Later/\/\/\

A Marine soldier raised his gun at a small old man, the man on the ground. Before he could pull the trigger, the barrel of his gun melted and bent, the bullet firing back at him, hitting him in his chest. I dropped the gun as the old man thanked me, but I ignored him, having a goal and not wanting to get distracted. That Rubber Bastard has a better feeling for where his crew is gonna meet up.

Before me stood a line of Marine soldiers, all holding their rifles up shakily. "I thought you were dead." With that, I scoffed, drew my fist back, my flames building up, my cloak billowing in the wind. "Run!" One screamed, the group starting to scatter.

"Fire Fist!!" I screamed, throwing my attack. It exploded, knocking all of the Marines down, but not injuring them severely. I walked past them, one of the men coughing. Kings Fire Fist seems to have been worth the training.

I kept walking as I heard footsteps behind me. "You! Stop! You have assaulted Marine officers!" I raised my hands and slowly turned around, the hood of my cloak still over my head. Looking up at the small group, a blast of Conquers Haki emanated from me, resulting in the troops falling over. I sighed, waiting for any more troops to pop out. After a few seconds, I walked in a random direction. As I did, a Den Den squawked, drawing my attention.

"A single pirate is causing a ruckus in Grove 15, heading towards the higher numbers." the Den Den called out. "Sending squadrons 51 and 96 to suppress." That sounds like something one of the Strawhats would do. I glanced at the tree, reading 19. I can run across them soon if they head this way. As I stood there, a small puff of dirt shot from the ground right in front of my face. Looking at the impact point, it wasn't a bullet, it was a small orb.

"Carnivorous Jaw!" a voice called as the orb exploded, a large green jaw lurching at me. As the mouth shut around me, I ignited my body and dispersed my flames violently, blowing the plant apart. "Wait, is that..." the voice said as I reformed, my cloak gone, the only remnant on the ground, smoking. "Ace!" Usopp yelled, running up to me.

"I see you got stronger." I said, adjusting my hat, my cloak no longer hiding it.

"I couldn't recognize you, sorry!" Usopp said, holding his slingshot in one hand. "I'm guessing you heard the Den Den message?"

"Yep, figured it was one of you guys." I said, smirking. "Any idea who?"

"My bet is Zoro." he said, rubbing his chin, which now had hair on it. "You?"

"Mmm, I'll say the twirly brow." I said, blanking on the name. As I did, a Marine flew from behind a tree and hit another with a lot of force. Running from behind the tree was a blonde man in a black suit.

"Sanji!!" Usopp screamed, smiling as he readied his slingshot. "Duck!" That's when I spotted the group of Marines chasing Sanji, aiming pistols. Sanji, instead of ducking, jumped up as Usopp shot the projectile, screaming out "Crybaby Cloud!" The orb exploded in the crowd of Marines, purple gas surrounding them all. Several gunshots went off as Sanji landed next to us.

"Nice to see you, Usopp." Sanji said, a cigarette in his mouth. "And nice to see you too, Ace. Been a while."

"Agreed." I said, then pointed at the cloud. "Will they be OK?"

"Yeah, the cloud is just tear gas." Usopp said. "We should try to avoid too much conflict, we are still wanted criminals."

"Good point." Sanji said, exhaling smoke. "That dumbass Marimo is probably lost somewhere."

"Oh!" Usopp said, tossing another orb up and catching it, then repeating it. "Nami was at Shakkys Bar, so I think we can all meet up there." Sanji nodded after swallowing, wiping his nose. We started walking towards the bar, avoiding Marine squadrons.

As we stood in front of Shakkys Bar, the door opened. There stood Nami, her hair down to her back. "Good to see you guys!" she called, waving at us as she approached us. "Ace, long time no see. Nice to see you're okay." With that, she wrapped her arms around me, hugging me. "Thank you for being with Luffy for two whole years." Sanji simply walked up the stairs, wiping his nose. Usopp followed after him, then Nami grabbed my hand, guiding me in. "Zoro is supposed to stay on this Grove so he doesn't get lost. Everyone else is here, Franky and Chopper are out by the Sunny."

"Should we go too?" I asked, not sitting down.

"Nah, Luffy still hasn't shown." She said, sipping a drink. "But since you're here, I take it he is too."

"Yep." I said, sitting on the stool next to Nami. Then, the door behind the bar opened, revealing a woman with short black hair. "And you are?" I asked, trying my best to flirt, but not too much.

"My friends call me Shakky." she said, extending her hand. I shook it, smiling. "So can I make anything for you?"

"I'll just take an ice water, thanks." I said, reaching into my pocket. Rayleigh gave me some money before we departed, so I'll use that here. "How much will it be?" I said, holding a 1000 Belly note.

She simply raised her hand, sliding me my water. "No charges for you, for so, so many reasons."

"Thanks." I said, sipping my water as I turned back to the rest of the crew gathered in the bar. "So when are we going to the Sunny?"

"Whenever we really want." Usopp said, sipping his drink. "Whenever Luffy shows, we can go."

"The ship is already coated?" I asked, turning back to Shakky. She was taking a drag off her cigarette, smirking.

"Rayleigh came by about a week ago and did it without sleep." she said, exhaling the smoke. "Seems he really wanted to make sure it was ready."

"Of course he did." I said, smiling as I sipped my water. Then, the door opened, a familiar figure standing there, three swords on his hip.

"Zoro!" Usopp yelled, running to Zoro holding a bottle labeled 'Whiskey'. "Nice to see you!"

"Same here, Usopp." Zoro said, grabbing the bottle."I got here before anyone else."

"Doesn't count if you got lost, stupid Moss Head." Sanji said, standing up. "I was the first one to stop by the bar, so I got here first."

"What's that matter!?" Zoro said, walking up to Sanji, grabbing his sword hilt. "Wanna fight, Twirly Brow!?"

"Let's go!" Sanji said, lifting one foot slightly. "I'll flambe you, then chop you up with your own swords!!" With that, his leg started...smoking, almost.

"I'll trim your eyebrows to look normal, shitty chef!" Zoro said, pulling out one of his swords. "Then I'll mince the rest of you up." Before either could attack, Nami punched them both in the head, then walked past them.

"Don't mind them." she said, standing next to me. "They never change, I guess." With that, there were foot steps leading to the bar. Looking over, Chopper and a woman I assumed was Robin stood there.

"Both Nami and Robin." Sanji said, still rubbing his head. "So...much...BEAUTY!!!" With that, blood exploded out of his nose, Sanji landing on his back.

"Sanji!" Chopper yelled, running to him. The small reindeer lifted his head and placed a bandage under his nostrils. "His training must have made him more sensitive to women." I sighed, finishing my water as Chopper's body shifted into a muscular, humanoid form. "I have to treat him in the Sunny."

"We were going to invite you on board anyway." Robin said, smiling. Then, she looked at me and smiled. "Nice to meet you, Fire Fist."

"Likewise." I said, smiling. We all got up and walked out of the bar, Shakky saying 'See ya later!'

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