Part 13: Large Move

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\/---Third Person POV---\/

Walking towards the Oversee-er's Tower, a large fishman, by himself, a trident across his back. "Vista of the Phoenix Pirates." his voice yelled loud enough for anyone to hear. "We of the New Fishman Pirates are here to take control of Fishman Island from you murderers. You'll get one chance." With that, Hody Jones, who was now about 20 meters away from the tower stopped walking, then pulled his trident off his back. "Turn yourselves in, or we will slaughter you without hesitation." With that, a single figure emerged from the tower, Vista barely moving past the door, the man standing there, not encroaching on Hodys zone.

"I'm sorry, but I won't allow you to take control of this island." he said, pulling his sword out, the tip pointing at Hody. "Don't make the mistake of fighting on your lonesome." With that, a 'thunk' sounded, a crossbow bolt flying at Vista. The man unsheathed his other sword, slicing the bolt in half in a single move. With that, countless fishmen poured out from all directions, having surrounded the tower. With that, countless projectiles shot at Vista, who sliced a few, but was quickly overwhelmed, a crossbow bolt striking him in his shoulder. He jumped backwards, ducking into the tower. With that, the Fishman Army, led by Hody, ran at the door. The swarm blocked off sight, but no ground gained by the fishmen.

As the Fishmen Pirates barreled towards the towers door, The Defensive Squad prepared to fight. Sanji exhaled smoke, Brook spun his cane sword, and Usopp readied his slingshot, all while Robin crossed her arms. As Hody bore towards the door, Sanji kicked off, his leg on fire and connecting with Hodys jaw, sending him flying back. The large fishman flew back into the crowd, his body stopping due to the large, bottlenecked group. Usopp shot a projectile as Sanji leapt back, a large plant growing just inside the tower, a fang filled mouth chomping on several fishmen.

"Gigante Fluer..." Robin said, closing her palms. "Overcoat!!" With that, countless large arms sprouted around the tower, sending the fishmen flying up, only a single one getting inside before the door was shut. Brook stepped forward, then unsheathed his cane blade, slicing the fishmans chest.

"Soul Slice." Brook said, standing there, the fishman standing still. Then, a wound erupted out of his chest as Brook continued. "The injury affects you both physically and spiritually, as your soul gets sliced as well."

"Robin, how is the overcoat!?" Usopp yelled, Robin still standing still, her arms locked in the same pose.

"No one shall get through my defense." she said, Sanji taking a drag off his cigarette. "My arms shall hug this tower and not allow any damage to be done to it."

"Good." Sanji said, exhaling, his eyes on the door, a large forearm blocking it off. "Just don't push yourself, Robin-chan." Robin smiled, the arms seemingly blocking the army with ease.

On the outside of the tower, the Fishmen Army attacked the arms, attempting to lower the defense to reach the fragile tower. "Everyone, focus on one area!!" Hody screamed, throwing his trident at a single spot, right where the door had been, sticking into the arm. Blood dripped out as the fishmen attacked, turning the three, small cuts into a large, seeping wound. "Good! Cut through this oversized meatbag!" With that, countless fishmen sunk their teeth into the arms all around the tower, the arm blocking the door still getting assaulted by weaponry.

Robin exclaimed in pain, falling to her knees. Everyone inside looked at the woman, Sanji running, preventing her from collapsing any further. Blood poured from her arms, several miniature but precise bitemarks carved in them, along with her right arm bearing a large but deep gash, seemingly having been carved out by miniature swords. "Robin-chan! What happened?!"

"Their targeting my defense..." she said, still keeping her arms in the same position. "All damage done to my Gigante Fluer is done to me."

"Then drop the walls!" Usopp yelled, readying a projectile and aiming at the door. "We can do this!" Vista stood up, his shoulder wound wrapped, but clutching both blades.

Robin panted, shaking her head. "Their assault is now targeting the entire tower. If I drop my protection, this whole tower will crumble and crush us." Sanji bit his cigarette as Usopp lowered his projectile, both visibly distraught. Brook simply walked up to Robin, clutching a first aid kit.

"Thank you, Robin." Brook said, his bone fingers wrapping Robins wounds, the skeleton on his knees. "I'll make sure you're as comfortable as possible."

"Thank you." Robin said, sweat dripping down her face. "I'll hold out as long as we need." Sanji gritted his teeth, his foot starting to smoke. "Sanji..." Robin said, her voice shaking. "Don't...Wait."

"Of course, Robin-chan." Sanji said, taking a drag of his cigarette, then threw the butt on the ground, stomping it with an explosion of flames. "I'll burn those bastards black."

Then, a very loud static filled the air, coming from the Broadcast Den Dens all around the island. Then, a voice came over the static. "Fishman Island, it's me, Shirley. I have had a horrible vision!" the voice screamed desperately. "Fishman Island will be burnt by countless humans."

"Hear that, men!?" Hody screamed, addressing his men "If we don't save the island now, it's doomed!!" The swarm of fishmen continued to assault the flesh blockade, causing blood to spirt, gush, and soak the ground around the tower.

"Currently, Hody Jones and the self described New Fishman Pirates are attacking the Oversee-er's Tower in hopes of taking control of the island. Fueled by the hatred of humans, held by our hero Fisher Tiger, and ignoring the desires of Queen Otohime, we've shunned human kind, and hated them, only accepting the late Whitebeard and his crew. This isn't what her majesty would want! If Hody Jones takes control of Fishman Island and kills Oversee-er Vista, he will lock the island off and declare war on human kind. This action will result in the Marines attacking this island, burning it to the ground!!" As her proclamation came through the radios, a single man ran towards the tower, panting. "Hody Jones isn't the savior of this island, he's it's doom!!"

"The hell happened to Shirley!?" Hody barked. "Why has she turned traitor to our kind! Find her! Find her and drag her through the streets!" He crushed the Den Den he held in his hand, connecting him to the remainder of the Fishman Pirates. As he did, the single man got within eye shot of the tower and his hand extended backwards. Sprinting towards it, the fishmen saw him, Hody Jones seeing it himself quickly. "KILL HIM!!" The group of the fishmen stopped attacking the tower and ran towards the single man, Hody standing behind the group. The large arms covering the tower exploded into flower petals as the mob ran at the man. Before the swarm of fishmen could swallow the man, a blast of Conquerors Haki went off, causing all of them to fall over. The man kicked off the ground, his fist still behind him, now engulfed in flame. He placed his foot into one of the falling fishmen's face, kicking off, finding himself over the crowd, getting closer to Hody. The large fishman held his trident, the sharp ends downwards, and threw it at the man.

By slightly moving his head, the trident flew past the man's right side, his right hand finally coming back, the flame larger than before. "Red..." the man said, the fist colliding with Hody's chest, the flames exploding onto the fishman's skin, scorching it immediately. "Hawk!!!!" Once Luffy's strike landed, Hody flew backwards, smashing through the tower.

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