Part 12: The 2nd and the 10th

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"That bastard stole my sword!!" he screamed, trying to push into the bar. "Just let me get it and I'll piss off!!"

With that, the fishmen, at the same time, punched him in the face, sending him flying back and onto the ground. "Boss Yugihora is busy. Schedule an appointment if you wanna talk to him. " One said, his teeth coming out of his lips, similar to Jinbe. Zoro stood up wobbly, his nose leaking blood, and grabbed at his two remaining swords, but I closed the gap and let out a small blast of Conquers Haki before Zoro cut them. Minimize damage. No more than what's needed.

"Yugihora." I muttered to myself,walking into the bar. "Yugihora, return the katana." I took a step inside the dimly lit bar, a figure on the other end of the room smoking a cigar, a familiar katana slung across his shoulder. Zoro and Nami walked into the bar, flanking me on either side.

"Ha!" the figure croaked, standing up, 9 tentacle arms coming out of his cloak, each one having a flintlock pistol in it, save for one with the katana. "You humans really think you can match me?" he said, rolling his neck. "Then come and get the katana yourself. If you don't, I'll add it to my collection." Zoro stepped up, wiping more blood from his nose, his hand on one hilt of his swords.

"I can cut him down." He said, staring the man down. "And I can chop up some squid."

"I can cook it up." I said, my hand igniting in flame.

"And I can show him the power of weather." Nami said, spinning her staff around.

"Pathetic!" Yugihora said, pointing at us with Zoro's katana. "Kill them!" With that, several fishman rushed us, but I simply stood in front of the others as several swords were readied at me.

"I got this." I said, grabbing two swords with my hands covered in Armament Haki, then igniting a flame in each. The swords quickly melted to nothing as I released another blast of Conquers Haki, the entire room dropping to the ground, save for Yugihora. Now, he was sweating, backed against the wall.

"Damned trash!" he screamed, shooting at me with his 8 guns. Each bullet flew through my chest, but melted before they came out the other side, preventing Zoro and Nami from getting hit.

I simply raised my hand, pointed at him, and snapped my fingers, several small blasts of flame coming out, and hitting Yugihora's guns, causing them to explode. His tentacles bloodied, he leapt at me, swinging the katana. "And I'll need that back." I said, grabbing Zoro's blade with my pointer finger and thumb covered in Armament Haki, then coated my entire other fist, slamming it into his chest, causing him to release the sword and step back, coughing. I turned around and handed the katana to Zoro, who smiled as he slid it back into his sheath.

"Oi!" Yugihora screamed, all three of us turning our backs to him. "Now I'm pissed!" I looked at him, turning my head slightly as he leapt at us. Before I could stop him, Zoro turned backwards, readying to strike the fishman with his newly returned katana, crouching to the ground.

"One Sword Style..." he said, Yugihora in mid air. "Upper Crescent Swipe!" He unsheathed his sword and, in an up reaching crescent, his sword's unsharpened side collided with the fishmans skull, sending him flying back, Zoro still crouching, his sword already resheathed. Yugihora was laying on the ground, no blood in sight, but his eyes closed. Zoro stood up and turned back to us, smiling. "Figured there was a reason you didn't light him up. And as my captain's brother, I trust your judgment."

"Thanks, Zoro." I said, smiling as we all walked back to the main road, Robin, Camie, and Pappag standing there.

"That was unexpected." Robin said, giggling slightly. "From what I heard, Fire Fist Ace attacks first, reasons later."

"That was the old me." I said, following Nami to the Sunny. "Now, I won't let that happen again." I can't let it. Luffy almost died trying to save me, all cause I let Teach get the best of my temper. I can't let my temper cost me another family.

"There's the Sunny!!" Nami yelled, starting to run towards it. We followed, still outpaced by Nami. When we got on board, Chopper and Franky had stayed behind with Sanji and the Sunny, and Jinbe collected Usopp and Brook, Luffy still missing.

"Where's Luffy?" Jinbe asked as I approached, having seemly introduced himself to everyone.

"I thought you'd get him." I said, pointing over my shoulder, everyone but Nami there. "I got these guys."

"Should we not be here?" Camie asked, standing next to Pappag. "This seems like a Pirate matter."

"That'd probably be for the best." Jinbe said, smiling. "I don't wish to alarm you with any details." With that, Camie and Pappag said their goodbyes and left. After they left, Jinbe spoke. "I can give Luffy the short version. But, I want to tell you the story of Fisher Tiger."

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/A While Later\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
(Chapter 621-627 Flashback)

"I see..." Robin said as we all sat around Jinbe, Sanji blindfolded to avoid further nosebleeds. "That's horrible. The queen, Fisher Tiger, everything..."

"Now do you understand, Ace?" Jinbe said, staring at me. "You may be strong enough to take Hody, but there's a bigger issue here."

"Can't you ask the King to let us join their army, then?" I asked. "That way, we'd be very obviously on the side of Fishman Island. We could get the members of the Phoenix Pirates to join too, helping us more."

"The king is doubtful to share the Neptunian Army name with human pirates." Jinbe said, his eyes closed. "After the queen died, he grew a hatred for Pirates, especially humans."

"Then how did he let the Phoenix Pirates set up shop?" Sanji asked. "They're human pirates, after all."

"Whitebeard." Jinbe said, looking at me. "He single handedly monitored the island for years, so he gained their trust. And with the Phoenix Pirates being the same crew, there wasn't a huge objection, especially with the Red Haired Pirates offering backup."

"But we have Ace." Zoro said, pointing at me with his thumb. "He was on Whitebeards crew, so shouldn't he hold that respect?" Jinbe didn't respond, seemingly not realizing this.

"So that's what we do." I said, standing up. "We go to Neptune, offer the Neptunian Army a temporary alliance with the Phoenix Pirates and Strawhats, fight the New Fishman Pirates, and after that, Vista can act as a representative between fishman and human kind."

"Fishman Island won't support a war against Hody." Jinbe said, everyone else was still sitting down. "To them, he's the second coming of Fisher Tiger. They don't see him for the threat he is."

"So what?" I asked, waving my hand, starting to get passionate. "We just let him destroy Fishman Island by killing Vista, plummeting the island into a wasteland!?" JInbe sat there, looking at the ground.

"It's my fault." he said simply. "I should have realized, all those years ago, this would happen." Then, his glare shot up at me, but not looking at me. "If it's to protect the island I love, we need to take desperate measures."

"Like what?" Robin asked, sitting next to the silent Nami. She's been silent since Jinbe talked about Arlong...Luffy said Nami had history with a person named Arlong, so it makes sense, I guess.

"Shirley can see the future with prophecies." Jinbe said flatly. "If she has a vision of the island falling into ruin, or anything negative to the masses at large, we can win support. But this can't come to light until Hody makes his first move against Vista."

"And Vista can't fight back until Shirley's vision is public knowledge." I said, my hand covering my mouth. "Vista will have to know about this, and be prepared to be defensive."

"And Hody is attacking with the full force of 100,000." Sanji said, rubbing his eyes through the blindfold. "How long will Vista and his group be able to hold them off, is what I'm wondering."

"A few of us can offer backup." Robin said. "A couple of our best fighters, but not all of them, since we'll need to clear them, and we shouldn't risk them getting overwhelmed."

"Sanji." Jinbe said, looking at the blindfolded blonde. "Can we rely on you, Brook, Usopp, and Robin to offer support during the defensive wait?"

"Yes." he said plainly, a blush creeping under his blindfold. He lifted it, his eyes still closed, and continued. "I'll kick a moon if it means I look good for Nami-swan and Robin-chan!" With that, his eyes shot open, but no nosebleed occured. Instead, a slim, closed grin snuck across his face as he stood up, joining me. "I'll hold them all off by myself."

"That's the plan, then." I said, punching my other hand, catching it with a 'poof' of flames. "Jinbe, you get Shirley up to date and try to get a prophecy so we can sway the public. After that, find a visual Den Den and broadcast to the island."

"Got it." Jinbe said, standing up, walking to the edge of the ship, and jumping into the water.

"Defensive Squad, so Sanji, Brook, Usopp, and Robin." I said, scanning the group, who were all standing up now. "You guys will take a note from me to Vista in the Oversee-ers Tower and you'll secure the place. When the fighting starts, try not to fight too aggressively."

"Easy." Sanji said, putting a cigarette in his mouth. "We'll leave once your note is done."

"Zoro, Chopper, Franky, Nami." I said, speaking to the last group. "We're the Relief Squad. We'll stay close to the tower, then come out the second Shirley's prophecy has been heard. We'll have to trust in the Defensive Squad to hold their own until then.

"Understood." Zoro said, swinging one of his swords, the blade ending up back in its sheath with a flash.

"And Luffy..." I said, sighing, pinching the bridge of my nose. "He'll be the most unpredictable. We have no idea where he is, and if he shows up before the prophecy is declared, that could be completely devastating."

"We could intervene and stop him." Chopper suggested with a sigh. "But yeah, Luffy could ruin this all."

"We'll risk it." I replied, grinning. "From what I hear from Luffy, that's kinda how you guys operate anyway."

"Good point." Robin replied, smiling. "The Strawhats aren't exactly known to be careful. Just think about our captain."

"So it's decided." Brook laughed. "We'll execute the plan, and if the captain shows up at an inopportune time, try to stop him."

"Roger that." Sanji said, smiling with a cigarette in his mouth. "We'll just have to break the news to our captain when we can."

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