Part 14: Steroids

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"Robin-chan!!" Sanji screamed, feeling all of this happen with his Observation Haki. He leapt at Robin and Brook as Hody crashed through the brick tower. They're too far! Understanding this, Sanji launched a kick, colliding with Brooks head, sending the skeleton flying, knocking Robin out of the way. The large fishman flew through the tower, colliding with Sanji's body, smashing through the other side, smashing the bricks to pieces. Hody slammed into the ground several feet away, Sanji's body behind him.

"What human dares to hit a fishman?!" Hody screamed, wobbling to his feet, Sanjis body behind him, blood covering his face. Hody went to take a step, but his leg failed, the large fishman collapsing to his knees. Coughing, Hody covered his mouth, blood soaking it. He reached into his pocket and pulled a handful of pills out, several falling to the ground as Hody coughed more blood up. Shoving the pills into his mouth and swallowing them, he continued coughing, blood coming with each.

"Sanji!!" Luffy yelled from inside the tower. Robin had passed out when the attack had stopped, the Overcoat disappearing. "Hang in there!!" As Luffy ran towards the fishman, a group of people came out of the surroundings, one man with his hand engulfed in flame.

"Pinpoint Flame Fist!!" Ace screamed, his usually large Flame Fist now condensed to his normal hand size, then blasting from his elbow, the condensed flames colliding with the fishman.

\/---Ace's POV---\/

As the flames hit Hody, he flew back, his body smoking. "Chopper, get Sanji to Robin and treat them!" Chopper nodded, morphed into Heavy Point, and put Sanji on his shoulder. As Chopper exploded towards the tower, I heard a familiar screech of a Den Den's static.

"Resident of Fishman Island." Jinbe's voice boomed. "Members of the Strawhat Pirates have saved Oversee-er Vista of the Phoenix Pirates, and the Neptunian Army are in conflict with thousands of the Fishman Pirates. Please, believe in fishman and humankind together to defeat this evil!" So, Hody tried to attack Shirley after her message was broadcast, but the Neptunian Army stopped them? We should deal with the boss quickly.

"Oi, Luffy!" I yelled, Zoro and I standing still while Luffy ran to us. "We gotta help the Neptunian Army, so we gotta send a few people." A very uncharacteristic thing, Luffy ignored me and approached where Sanji had hit.

"I'm sorry, Sanji." he said, his glare shooting to Hody, who was starting to stand up, his body smoking. Luffy clenched his fist, Armament Haki covering it. "I already dealt with the creep who was stalking Crybaby, and you're his friend, huh?" Hody wobbled again, then opened his eyes, almost glowing red. His hair had turned white, and his body had become more muscular. "You've powered up, huh?" Luffy asked as Hody exhaled, his breath visible.

"You pathetic humans." he panted, his chest still scorched, but not coughing anymore. "You'll regret ever stepping foot in front of me!!"

"Zoro, you take everyone who can and go back up the Neptunian Army." Luffy said, punching the ground, his legs separated. "I'll take care of this guy." With that, steam started pouring off of Luffy.

"Gotcha, Captain." Zoro said, sprinting towards the tower, rejoining with the others.

"Hey, Ace." Luffy said, smiling, his steam creating a cloud. "After 2 years of fighting each other, let's team up."

"Deal." I said, my fists and feet igniting. With that, my feet exploded, sending me flying at Hody as Luffy vanished, using Gear Seconds speed.

"You're right in front of me!" Hody screamed, jumping at me, going for a bite. Instead, I slammed my fist into his chest, sending him flying back, then a flash of a foot hit his face, sending him flying to the side. Luffy stood there, still steaming.

"Ready?" Luffy asked, smiling.

"Ready." I said, grinning. With that, Hody stood up, bleeding from his nose.

"That's twice. You've both hit me twice." he said, spitting out a sharp tooth. Then, he reached in and yanked out his teeth, new ones growing back almost instantly. "I'll make your deaths twice as painful as I was going to!" With that, he exploded towards us, Luffy vanishing in an instant, leaving me with the fishman. "I'll deal with you first, you damn fire-man!!" He swung his hand teeth at my head and slammed them shut, but I merely ducked, then slammed my physical fist into his chest, then used an explosion of flames from it and my feet to get behind him, my other hand engulfed in flames, then slammed the flaming hand into his back, causing him to stumble forward.

He spun around, both impacts smoking, then swung his hand teeth at me, the sharp teeth ripping through my flames, causing my face to reform from the damage. With that, a fist slammed into the fishmans face, followed quickly by countless more. "Jet Gatling!" Luffy screamed, Hodys face exploding in blood, teeth flying out with every blow, his own regrowing teeth working against him. After numerous blows, Luffy slowed his strikes, then delivered a single strike. "Jet Rifle!!" The fist collided with Hodys jaw, sending him flying back, sliding in the dirt. "How'd that look, Ace?" Luffy asked, the steam stopping, his hands morphing back to his flesh, having been covered in Armament Haki.

"Flashy." I said, grinning. Luffy grinned back as the fishman stood back up, the dirt cloud still around him. "He sure is stubborn, huh?"

"I know where I recognize you from now, Fire-Boy." he said, blood streaming from his mouth. "You were the reason for the whole Paramount War." I stood to face him, my hand igniting. "Ya know, as far as humans go, there was one that I hated above all others. So I guess I should thank you, Fire Fist." I felt my blood start to boil as I realized where this was going. "You saved me the effort of killing that old rat, Whitebeard." After he finished, I exploded towards him, my legs completely ignited. Hody raised his arms to block, but I used a blast from my hands to swing my foot into his arms, exploding in flames, sending him flying back, skidding across the ground. Before he could get too far, I flew towards him, building up both of my hands with flames.

"Fire Fist Gatling!!" I screamed, my ignited strikes colliding with his chest, as well as the entirety of his front side. I drew one hand back to finish it, calling out "Kings Fire Fist!!" The strike landed in his chest, sending him smashing into the ground with an explosion of dirt. I flew upwards, spinning around, my flames building up. "You'll regret ever talking about the old man that way!!" I turned around in mid air, hundreds of feet up, and flew towards Hody, one fist above my head, the flames focusing in it. I slammed it into the fishman, an explosion of flames swallowing the nearby area. I looked down, the smoke too thick to see through, then an impact struck my chest as I felt my ribs smash into my lungs, causing me to lose my breath. Then, another strike landed on my face as another hand gripped my hair. Then, I was thrown to the side, my face covered in blood.

"Pathetic!!" Hody screamed, blood soaking his face, his chest severely burnt. However, his hands were covered in Armament Haki. "That traitor Jinbe taught us all a few tricks." After he spoke, a familiar sound shot through the air, Hody snapping his head and arms around. Luffy's fist collided with Hodys palms, both covered in Armament Haki.

"Shut up and get out of my way!!" Luffy screamed, throwing his other arm, his fist landing against Hodys face, causing him to stumble back. Luffy jumped backwards, both arms flying backwards. "Bazooka!!" Both of Luffys hands flew at Hody, who raised both hands again. Catching the fists, Hody tightened his grip, not allowing Luffy to escape.

"Now, your hands are dust!!" Hody screamed, his grip tightening. Instead of screaming in pain, Luffy merley kicked off the ground with both feet, steam pouring from his body again, and planted them both into Hodys chest, then kicked off, his legs soaring backwards. Hody coughed slightly, winded, as Luffy readied his next attack. "Gum Gum..." With that, Luffys feet found their marks, slamming into the ground, not giving way. "Pull!!" Luffy pulled with both arms, Hodys tight grip sending him flying. After Luffys legs were back to normal length, Hody had been smashed into the ground, Luffy running to me as I stood up.

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