Part 4: Flame vs Operation

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A while after me and Luffy talked, there was a knock at the metal door. It opened, Law standing there, his yellow and black jacket replaced with a plain black tanktop, no sword in sight. "Jinbe's back." Both me and Luffy shot to our feet and ran down the halls of the submarine, blasting past Law.

Reaching the porthole, Jinbe stood there, dripping wet. "Ace! Luffy!" he called, seeing us. Me and my brother jumped at him, the large fishman catching us in his arms, embracing him.

"I'm so glad to see you!" Luffy screamed, grinning. "I can't remember anything after freeing Ace, but I heard you helped us escape!"

"It wasn't just me." Jinbe said, setting us down. "Ace helped clear the way, and so did Law." Law finally reached the area we were standing in. Luffy looked at both me and Law, his arm tattoos on full display. "But, as far as Amazon Lily goes, we're free for entry, so long as no man steps on land except for Luffy and I."

"So I don't get to see the Pirate Empress?" I said, sighing. Luffy chuckled as Jinbe smiled.

"We'll set course for Amazon Lily in the morning with Jinbe leading the submarine." Law said, running his hand through his hair. "The sun's setting, so I don't want to risk bumping into any enemy ships."

"Law." I said, looking at him. He met my look as I continued. "Mind coming with me to the island? I wanna talk."

"Sure." he simply said, snagging his large sword, which was propped against a wall, along with the hat that sat on the end. "Just in case we run across anything." I nodded and we started walking up the stairs to the top.

"I'm coming with!" Luffy yelled, following me.

"Sure." I said as we walked up the stairs. Reaching the door, Law spun the metal wheel, sealing the door. Opening it, the light of dusk lighting the horizon. Law walked to the edge of the platform and, with a small 'Hup', landed on the grassy island. I did the same, landing and bending both knees. Luffy, however, just stretched his leg and stepped over.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Law asked as we reached the middle of an area of trees after a few minutes.

"I wanna see how far we are apart." I said, not mincing words. "I heard from a little birdie you were as strong as some Warlords."

"So you want to fight?" Law asked, bouncing his sword on his shoulder.

"Yeah." I said, cracking my knuckles.

"Woah, Ace." Luffy said, walking in between me and Law. "Tra-guy is super strong, I saw it first hand." Instead of standing down, Laws dome expanded and I ignited my arm. "Jeez, okay then." Luffy said, leaping away onto a tree. "I'll keep my distance!"

"You sure about this?" Law asked, holding his sword in both hands, the sheath several times longer than any normal one.

"Yeah." I said, my arm flames flickering. I need to know. Did I get my 2nd Division Commander status through luck and pity? Is that why Marco wouldn't tell me where Teach was?

"Okay then." Law said, unsheathing his sword. "Let's do this." With that, I threw a Flame Fist, Law unsheathing his sword. His sword slash broke my flames in half, but I rushed in, blasting flames out of my feet to propel myself. "Injection..." Law said, aiming his sword at me. Shooting towards me, he thrusted his blade. "Shot!" His blade stopped right in front of my body, but my momentum carried me onto the blade. My body's flames moved around the blade as I got in his face.

"Flame Commandment!" I shouted, extending and swinging my arm, a ring of flames appearing, incasing Law in the same circle. "Fire Pillar!" I slammed both hands into the ground, flames swallowing everything in the ring and shot up in a pillar. I saw something get caught in the flames and ignite, flying up with the pillar. Deactivating the flames, the flaming object was completely engulfed.

"Radio Knife." Laws voice called, then several slashes cut through my body. He landed in front of me, his sword sheathed and over his shoulder, not looking at me. "A simple Flame Paramecia can't hide your real body." My flames filled in the slashes as I jumped at Law, landing a kick against the back of his head. He stumbled forward, then slashed at me with his unsheathed sword. The blade sliced through my chest in full view of the Surgeon of Death.

"No one said I was a Paramecia." I said, my arms both fully engulfed. Law eyes lit up with fear as I swung a punch, which Law jumped back from. "And this is a move inspired by my brother!" I leapt up, using my flames to get me above Law. "Fire Fist Gatling!" I swung Fire Fist after Fire Fist, using mini flame explosion in my elbows to send my arms flying into another blow, the punch kicking my arm back in recoil.

Law kicked backwards again, avoiding my blows as they scorched the ground. "Shambles!" he called out, vanishing, a burnt log appearing where he was. Is that what he used to avoid damage? I stopped my attacks and landed, panting. Law stood on the other side of a small clearing, both of us surrounded by trees. "Guess I underestimated you, Fire Fist. Whitebeard Division Commanders are no joke."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere!" I said, crossing my pointer fingers. "Cross Fire!" A line of flames shot out of my fingers and reached towards Law, who dodged to the side. The beam exploded, engulfing Law. In a flash, his bodies shape in the flames disappeared, another piece of wood taking his place. Law stood next to a tree as the top fell off. "You used your Room to make substitution logs?" I asked, lowering my hands as the explosion of flames subdued, only the log burning.

Law was panting as his shirt and hat fell off, both burnt severely. "I didn't wanna use them too much, but zoning is your thing, ain't it?" I smiled, cracking my knuckles. "But now that I know you're a Logia, I have special tricks for you." Law grinned, unsheathing his sword. "You won't counter this with your Flame body." He slashed his sword upwards, several thick branches falling as he vanished, one of the branches taking his spot. He's going for an attack from up there, probably using the wood as a shield. But wood makes great kindling! I extended both hands upwards, focusing my open hands towards the center.

"Heaven Piercing Flame Spear!" I screamed, flames shooting out from my funneled hands, blasting the wood. Then, a flash of green light blinded me, Law in midair, holding a small blade of light.

Slamming it into my chest, Law shouted "Gamma Knife!" I felt my flame body get torn apart through my body, resulting in the loss of any physical form. Landing on his feet, Law continued. "Logia types really are my weak point." Instead of reforming my body, I organized my flames together under Law, then shot upwards.

"Flame Pillar!" I shouted, the full attack hitting him, sending him flying away. Reforming my body, my fingers were the last bit to form as my arms hung down. Law struggled to stand, still holding his sheathed blade. "You got me good." I said, a large gash across my chest. "Even my Logia form couldn't shake that off."

"I'm glad." Law said, straightening his back. "This is over though." I looked around, seeing anything he set up. Instead, Law stubbled forward, then collapsed.

"Tra-guy!" Luffy screamed, jumping down. "You really did a number on him, Ace." He flipped Law to his back, his entire chest covered in ash. "He doesn't have any burns, though."

"Probably smoke inhalation." I said, walking towards Law, holding my chest wound. "I don't think it'll kill him, but he'll be out for a bit." As I finished, the sound of water splashing sounded, causing me and Luffy to look towards the origin. Lifting themself onto the firm ground, a man stood there. "Who are you!?" I screamed, my fist igniting.

"Huh?" the man muttered, looking up at us. Before he could attack, I shot towards him, preparing a Fire Fist. Once I was close to him, I threw the punch. Instead of sending him flying, the man simply lifted his hand, catching my fist and making it physical. In a panic, I stepped back and threw a kick at his chest, which the man blocked by lifting his leg, the same thing happening. "Fire Fist Ace?" he asked as I jumped backwards.

"Ace, stop!" Luffy yelled, running up to us.

"Luffy!" the man said, smiling. Snapping my fingers, I ignited my hand into a torch, the light revealing the mans face.

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