Part 10: Paradise, Rescued

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As we passed through the cave, leading to Fishman Island, I stood towards the front of the ship. There, in the middle of the ocean, was a bubble, an entire island housed in it. "Finally, Fishman Island." Nami said, standing behind me. "We've been waiting years for this."

"Home of beautiful mermaids, and delicious cuisine." I said, remembering my first time through the island. "Must have changed a lot since I was here, though." With that, I saw fishmen swimming towards us at their hypersonic speed. "Luffy, up here!" I called, Luffy rushing to where me and Nami were.

"What's up?" he asked, looking at me. Then, the fishmen stopped right in front of us.

"Strawhat Pirates." One read off a clipboard, flipping a few pages. "You are welcome into Fishman Island. Please go through the main entrance and enjoy your stay."

"Thanks!!" Luffy said, grinning ear to ear as Nami stood there, breathing slowly. He ran towards where Franky was, screaming "Head towards the main gate!!" The Sunny adjusted and headed for the gate, a hole in the bubbles of Fishman Island. After we went through the first bubble, another fishman flipped through several papers.

"Strawhat Pirates, you are permitted an unlimited stay in Fishman Island." he said, then looked at me. "Fire Fist Ace, however, is to go to the Oversee-ers Tower and meet with Commander Vista."

"Vista!?" I asked, my heart racing. We entered through the second bubble and were motioned off the ship.

"Everyone else can go ahead and explore Fishman Island." a human said, a sword sheathed at his hip. "Ace is to be escorted to..."

"Oversee-er's Tower." I finished, nodding. "Got it, take me there." The man started walking, but I turned on my heel and gave the others advice. "Don't let Sanji off the ship if he's struggling with controlling himself." Luffy nodded and waved goodbye as I walked behind the guard. "So, am I in trouble by Commander Vista?" I said, jokingly. No reaction. "Tough crowd, huh?"

As we stood at the bottom of a tall tower, another man opened the door, ushering us inside. Inside, the ceiling of countless floors were destroyed, able to see through the top of the tower, the size of each hole decreasing with each floor. On the opposite side of the large bottom floor, in a large wooden and metal chair, sat a large, broad shouldered man, a top hat on his head, a sheathed sword on each side of his waist. Across his shoulder, a large purple cape, pulled to one side. "Fire Fist Ace." he said, standing up slowly. He approached me and the two escorts as we did the same to him, meeting right in the middle of the room. "It's been too long!" With that, he wrapped his large arms around me and squeezed. I found myself unable to escape his hug with my fruit abilities, his arms coated in Haki.

Finally, he released me, causing me to pant heavily. "5th Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates." I said, looking up at him. "But I guess you got a promotion."

"A lot happened while you were gone." he said, crossing his arms. "I guess I'll start at the beginning. After the Summit War at Marineford, Marco organized what was left of the Whitebeard Pirates and we attacked Teach. The war culminated in Marco vs Teach, Teach trying to absorb Marco's fruit. Instead of getting it, Marco gave him a nice meal of flames and claws. Scorched most of his right side and gave him some gnarly scratches across his face."

"But Marcos flames don't actually burn." I said, confused. "The Phoenix Flames heal."

"But what if someone had ignited a wooden building and Marco dropped Teach into it." He said, grinning. "Even though we were winning, Marco knew when to cut our losses. If we kept fighting and guaranteed Teach died, we'd lose a lot of people. So we left Teach and reclaimed all of Pop's territory. Marco may not be as strong as Pops was, but the Red Hair said if anything happened to our territory, his crew would offer support."

"So, Marco is an Emperor now, and all the territory is protected by Shanks?" I asked, trying to clarify things.

"As long as the Phoenix Pirates don't make moves against his territory, correct." Vista said, finally walking back to his semi-throne. "Kaido and Big Mom haven't moved on any territory under Marco's umbrella, and Teach hasn't been involved in anything major since."

"Any idea where he could be?" I asked, wanting to know. Vista simply laughed, sitting in his seat.

"Marco said you'd ask to know when you came through here." he said, tears forming in his eyes. "And Ace, even if the Captain had told me not to give you any info, I still couldn't help. He's been a ghost."

"Damn it." I muttered. "Well, anything else you wanted?"

"Yeah, actually." he said. "I wanted to let you know you're welcome to join us."

"Thanks." I said, immediately. "But I already have a captain. And I can't just leave him."

"Damn." he said, scratching his head. "I understand. I'll pass word up to Marco to let him know. Enjoy yourself, Ace." I nodded and walked back to the Sunny, hoping to find anyone.

About halfway through my trek, a random man ran past me and bumped into my shoulder. He stumbled, almost hitting the ground but caught himself with his hand, his feet sliding across the ground. Standing up, he pulled a flintlock pistol out of his pants and yelled, "Get outta the way!!!" The projectile simply flew through my head, my flames morphing around it. Upon seeing this, he went to throw his gun at me, but I flicked my pointer finger, shooting a small flame at his gun. The flame met the gunpowder, detonating it in his hand. "God damn it!!!" he screamed, his hand smoking and bloody.

"You started it, jerk wad." I said, walking past him, punching him in the top of the head, my fist coated with Armament Haki. His eyes rolled back as his body hit the ground, unconscious.

Before I could get too far, several fishmen surrounded me, tridents and swords in their hands. I sighed and looked at the ground, expecting them to be comrades of the man. Instead, one spoke to me kindly. "Thank you, Fire Fist." he said, bowing his head, another fishman grabbing the man by his shirt collar and pulling him away by it. "He was a member of the Blang Pirates, who just so happened to have been on their way out of the island, but got scared by the New World."

"Huh." I said, looking at the man, blood leaving a faint trail from his hand. "Why come down here if they weren't ready to cross into the New World?"

"They probably got chased down by Marines." the Fishman said, walking away. "Thank you again, Fire Fist!" I simply waved and looked around, having been turned around.

"Shit." I muttered, choosing a direction and just walking.

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