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"Hush Charlie you're going to wake her up," I whisper louder than I mean to. He has the hardest time learning when to keep his mouth shut but I guess I do too. If he doesn't shut up he is going to get us caught.

I lean over the bottom bunk on Lynnette's bunk bed. Lyn sleeps below me, snoring softly. She came here last summer and has hated me every day since. I'm not very fond of her either. Earlier this week she decided to burn all of my clothes except my pajamas. I had to wear them to school and I was utterly humiliated. Tonight is when I get my revenge though. She has this tiny orange band tied just above her elbow. She keeps it hidden most of the time. She refuses to answer me about what it's for. I just know it means a lot to her. I pull out the scissors from my pocket. I try to be gentle and not wake her but the scissors are cold. The second I get them under the band she wakes up.

Lyn jumps out of bed and elbows me in the stomach. The blow sends me careening into the floor. Her eyes are wild and she looks like a frightened child. When her eyes settle on me they fill with fire.

"You!" She points her finger at me," I keep trying to help you and this is how you repay me. If you would just leave like you're supposed to this wouldn't be a problem. Never touch my band. It's mine and if you so much as look at it again I will end your pathetic life".

To make her point she pulls me up off the ground and shoves me at Charlie. I slide past him and my head hits the desk. I feel the skin breaking open. When did she get so strong? She marches out of the room mumbling words I dare not repeat.

"Ace, are you okay? Let's go get you cleaned up. You're getting blood everywhere," Charlie says. The blood is now flowing freely over my right eye.

As he cleans my gash I can only ponder what Lyn meant when she said she was helping me. Little did I know, I would find out soon.

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