Chapter 15

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Later that day when the shock had worn off and my hands had been scrubbed raw I was furious. I refused to eat dinner and stalked out to the halls. I didn't want to eat the pig I killed. I didn't want the guards to come after me so I stayed close to the cafeteria. I'm surprised when Decker joins me.

"How are you Ace?" He asks cautiously. I must look worse than I originally though.

"Am I okay? No I'm not okay. You abandoned me! How could you? You just left me with the Oranges" I push him back even though I know he won't move far.

"I'm sorry. I followed you to the Oranges but I know I'm not one of them. I'll join you tomorrow if it makes you feel better," he sighs and runs his hand through his short hair. He seems stressed but I don't care. I just killed something. He can suck it up.

"Yes you are going to come to the Oranges and you are going to volunteer to go with Sam so that I don't have to. Got it?" I demand. I'm being a little hatch but he still nods.

I grab his hand and drag him inside. I practically drag him to the table. I can feel how much he doesn't want to go. I don't blame him. The Oranges are insane.

"Sam, Decker just expressed an interest in your field So he's going to go with you and I'll go somewhere else," I'm pleased with the turn of events and by the look on Sam's face she doesn't like me ditching her.

"Well then you can go with Lyn. I know how much you guys already like each other," Sam says with a smirk. She knows that I hate Lyn.

"Fine" I growl.

I grab an apple off of Decker's tray. I'm starving but I'm not eating the pork that I killed. Lyn stalks over to me with Sophie right behind her. She doesn't look happy about me coming with her. She doesn't say anything as I silently follow her back to the room.

"I don't have a job right now and I know you won't like it anyway. You know what I do so why should I elaborate?" She snarls as she plops down on her bed.

"Yes, I know that it's you job to implant trackers into people but I want to know why you do it. Why did you plant the tracker in me? Couldn't you have found someone else?" I sit on my bed and fold my arms together.

"I didn't want to pick you! I wanted someone else but I was chosen to pick you at the last minute. Even after I was given my job I tried to save you. I made your life miserable so you would run away. If it wasn't for you being so stubborn you wouldn't be here. You were a good person and I didn't want you mixed up with all this. Now you are and there is no going back," she is gasping for breath by the time she is done. I'm shocked. I was told that Lyn tried to save me but I never knew why.

"Then help me now Lyn. Where did you plant the tracker? I need to get it out," I whisper the last part. I don't want to get caught.

"I'll tell you on one condition," at my nod she continues," you take me with you. When it's time to escape I will tell you". I should have known I would never get a straight answer.

"Fine but once this is all over I never want to see you again," I growl. She lets out a laugh.

"Your innocence is amusing Ace. You will never truly escape this place. When you get out they will send people after you. You'll be on the run for the rest of your miserable life," she pats my knee.

"Maybe I will be on the run but it's still better than staying here".

"Don't be so sure. Trust me people have escaped before but no one has ever actually lived outside of here. Your life will be in constant danger the second you leave," with that she walks out of the room. I guess she was never really going to teach me anything. She just wanted me alone.

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