Chapter 19

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It's been two weeks since Erin kissed me. I've been avoiding him ever since. I'm not sure what to do around him now. He's stopped glaring at me. Actually I sometimes catch him staring at me. I'm going to have to talk to him soon though. All I've been able to think about this week is how much I need to get Callie out of here. Everyday she gets worse. We have to force her to eat and Will never leaves her side. I'm not sure how much longer she'll live. I need to get her some help that doesn't come from inexperienced teenage healers.

I'm currently staying with the Yellows. They don't want me to fight until my concussion is fully healed. I'm also really bored. They won't let me do anything. They just want me to rest and heal. I can't do that. I've done something every day since I've been here. There are never free days. I've decided that I will take today and memorize the hallways. I'm not sure who designed this place but it's a labyrinth.

I run my hand across the walls. It doesn't help me memorize them but the cool concrete feels good beneath my fingers. I make my way to the cafeteria. I know that the doors in here lead to the kitchen and one is a supply closet. There are five hallways leading off from the cafeteria. Three of them lead to each groups wing of the building. One of them used to be the Blue's wing. I follow the last hallway. I'm not sure where I'm going. I walk calmly down the hallway. I pass doors regularly but don't bother to open them even when I hear voices. I believe this is where the guards live. This is where Sander's took me to hide me from the Boss. I don't think I ever got the Boss's name though. Now that I think about it I haven't seen Sander's in awhile. I think I remember where his room is.

I walk up to the door that I believe is Sander's. At least I hope it was his. I raise my hand to knock but think better of it when I hear angry voices on the other side. I do what any sane person would do. I put my ear against the door and listen to the conversation. I can make out two distinct people.

"She's going to pick Orange," a muffled voice says. My heart speeds up. I recognize that voice. It's Erin.

"But what if she doesn't? She's in danger here. The boss may not allow her to be an Orange. Someone needs to be with her at all times. You need to be willing to follow her," a voice that sounds a lot like Sander's says.

"No. I like her a lot but I don't think I could become one of those monsters for her. I don't think she could become a monster like them. She's too sweet and nice to ever be like that. She'll pick Orange or Yellow. I know that she will. I'm hoping that if I sit with the Reds and then tell her how horrid they are she will make the right choice," Erin takes a deep breath before continuing," I want to be an Orange. I'm picking that no matter what. Find someone else to guard Ace".

I back away from the door. I don't want to hear anymore. I can't believe Erin wants to be an Orange. It's his choice I guess. I'm not sure why I care but I do. I was hoping to be put in the same group. I need to talk to him about the kiss. I may never get the chance if we are in different groups. I speed down the hallway. Apparently in my few seconds of eavesdropping the hallways decided to switch up on me. I think I'm lost. I've decided to walk straight and hope that I find my way at out. I should have left breadcrumbs or something.

I walk endlessly. I open a few doors even though I know I didn't open any doors to get here. I'm starting to get panicked. I've never been on my own here before. I've always had someone leading me. My first day all by myself I get lost. I reach a dead end. I'm not sure what to do. I didn't even know this place has dead ends. I turn around and go the other way.

After wandering for a little while I hear a door open from behind me. I pause for only a moment before I continue walking. I need to act natural. Hopefully they will just leave me alone. I can hear their footsteps getting closer. There is definitely more than one person.

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