Chapter 20

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"C'mon Ace. It's time for you to choose. You need to wake up right now or I will drag your butt all the way there," Pink's angry voice hisses in my ear. I let out a groan and climb out of bed. I rub the sleep from my eyes. Will, Callie, and Dawn are already up and ready. I get behind them and we walk out with the guards guiding us along. An awkward silence falls over is as we walk. Not only can I not think of anything to say but I also can't speak freely around the guards. I don't need them reporting everything I say back to their boss.

As we walk we are met with Erin and Decker. Erin's face is covered in painful looking bruises. He also has a swollen left eye and a busted lip. I let out a gasp and run over to him. I grab his chin and force him to move his head around so I can inspect his wounds. He's not going to die but his face looks pitiful. He reminds me of a beaten puppy.

"Are you okay? Who did this to you?" I screech as he swats my hand away.

"I'm fine," he grumbles.

"I'm glad your fine but who the heck did this to you," my voice is still high pitched but I'm calming down.

"I don't want to talk about it. Let's just go," he ushers me to follow the others. I follow them but not before catching his distrustful glare thrown at Decker. That solves the who hit Erin problem.

"Move it along. We're on a schedule," the guard grumbles. His brown eyes glare at me. His long beard gives him a caveman appearance.

The guards guide us through the passages. Taking us deeper into this dreadful place. I know where we are going. The arena where I got my green band. That's the only place that makes sense. I'm proved right when we are shoved into the arena only it's different. Last time there were people in the stands. This time there are none. It's just us and the merciless eyes of the boss. I find it strange that I still don't know his name. Maybe he told me and I forgot. Although that seems too important to forget.

"Greetings Green's, today is the day you will pick the path you will take. On the other hand, if I think you have not picked your path correctly I will reassign you to where you actually belong. Do we understand one another?" His tone is commanding and his too white smile doesn't make it any better. He makes me sick.

The guard pulls Callie over first. She stands in front of the Boss. Her eyes show fear but her body doesn't move an inch. That's the first response I've seen from her in a while. I just wish her first emotion wasn't fear.

"I already know your path but please humor me. What would you like to be?" He taunts her and she still says nothing like I knew she would. Anger lights up his green eyes. He drawls his hand back and hits her across the cheek. She's thrown back from the blow but makes no sound. Callie just stands there with the same dull look. The Boss reaches into a small black box that sits beside him. I hadn't noticed it before. It's side are a shiny metallic black. It lays on a large wooden podium. I watch him pull the Yellow band out of his box and quickly replace her green band with the new one. Will goes next and chooses Yellow. I can see the displeasure on the Boss's face. Probably doesn't like all the Yellows.

The second Will joins us in line Dawn strides forward. She has a permanent limp and her arms are covered with networks of scars. I can't help the pity that wells up in my throat. She will have those the rest of her life.

"Yellow, I want to be a Yellow," she says confidently. I can tell she knows where she wants to be. I wish I could say the same. I can't stop twitching. I'm so nervous. I know what I have to pick. My turns next.

It comes too soon when Dawn strides over with her bright yellow band. She looks so proud. I'm nudged forward. I try to walk gracefully forward with my head held high but there's an invisible rock somewhere in front of me. I stumble forward and the Boss grabs my arm to stabilize me. I jerk it away. My skin crawls where he touched me.

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