Let Down [11th Grade]

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So, I ended up using my pocket trumpet to play Carry On at the peprally. We played Smoke On The Water and How Far We've Come for 3rd quarter the Halloween game. We lost, so we don't go to playoffs; it was the seniors' last away game. And I learned the Dragnet theme because my dad wants me to play it at the games when there's a flag on the play.

We had chair tests this week - something completely new to my band. But the thing is, I haven't played much at all since LAST YEAR! And I was expected to do good?! I played the top part, only cracked a few notes and went to high at one part, and they gave me 6th chair. 6th. Freaking. Chair.


And then most of the people I thought were my friends trash talked me in Jazz Band when I was just around the corner. They laughed at me just to make themselves feel better about their own pathetic lives.

And today someone threw my stand music on top of the cubbies in the instrument room, and the former trumpet girl turned tuba found it. She was looking through it and then I told her the music was mine. She kept looking. I told her again. She kept looking. I told her over 5 times, and she threw it at the other side of the cubbies. I grabbed it.

"I told you that was mine over 5 times." I said.

She proceeded to mock me with a very pissy attitude. She used to be like one of my closest friends and now she's a backstabbing (PaRdOn My FrEnCh) bitch!

What is my life coming to? It's freaking miserable! I hate the new concert season....can our old directors come back please?

Anyways, how is everyone else's transition into concert season going?

Published 11.03.2021.

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