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"Ok class so we have a new student that some of you may have not met yet. So they can come up and introduce themself."

Chaeryeong looked around the room at the students murmuring before standing up, walking to the front of the class. She bowed infront of the class before speaking.

"Hello, My name is Chaeryeong. Nice to meet you all." She said.

She quickly walked back to her seat, and sat down, letting out a sigh. Ryujin looked over and placed her hand on top of Chaeryeongs. Chaeryeong blushed as her heart beat speed up when meeting eyes with Ryujin.

"You did good." Ryujin whispered. Chaeryeong smiled softly and intertwined their fingers, loving the feeling of Ryujins hand with hers.

Yeji watched this scene and scowled. She turned to lia who was quietly arguing with yuna about weather fuchsia is just hot pink or not.

"Yuna listen they are two different things!" She whisper yelled.

"To me they are just the same thing." She shrugged.

"But they-" She stopped talking when Yeji tapped her shoulder.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Do you know who that is?" Yeji pointed at Chaeryeong who was silently giggling at something Ryujin said.

"Did you not see her introduce herself to the class like five seconds ago?"

"Of course I did! I just want to know why she's so close with Ryujin." She muttered.

Lia sighed.

"Yeji even though you guys are bestfriends, that doesn't mean you should be all possessive."

Yeji laughed.

"Possessive? Me? No. It's just this girl popped up out of now where and is close with Ryujin all of a sudden."

"I don't know. Ask her after class or something." Lia said, turning back to Yuna ready to argue again.

Yeji slumped in her chair and watched the teacher solve some algebra equations that made no sense.

After what seemed like a million years the bell rang. Yeji watched Ryujin grab her backpack while talking to Chaeryeong who was putting her note book away.

Once Chaeryeong put her note book away her and Ryujin headed out of the classroom. Yeji followed behind the two, and tapped Ryujin on the shoulder before she exited the classroom.

Ryujin turned around, and flashed a smile at yeji.

"Hey Chaeryeong go wait for me at your locker, I'll be there in a sec."

"Ok." She said, walking out of the classroom. Leaving Yeji and Ryujin alone.

"Hi yej." Ryujin said hugging her bestfriend. Yeji hugged back, inhaling a little bit of Ryujins scent.

"Sorry I haven't talked to you all morning. I got caught up with Chaeryeong." She let out a guilty laugh.

Yeji smiled at her.

"It's all fine...Speaking of Chaeryeong. You guys seem close already." She said raising an eyebrow.

"That's actually a story I have to tell you...but can I tell you during lunch, I don't want Chaeryeong to be alone on her first day." She smiled a little at the thought of Chaeryeong.

"Yea...um I'll catch you during lunch?"

Both girls stilled as the bell rang.

"Yep." Ryujin said.

"Ok, I'll see you then."

"Bye." Ryujin waved before running off to her next class.

Yeji watched Ryujin as she ran to Chaeryeong, grabbing her hand pulling her along.

She felt jealous. The person shes been friends with before she could even walk was hanging out with some girl she had never met, But that was the only reason for her jealousy right?

Yeji shook the thought of her being jealous away and walked to her class.

Girl Across The Street (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now