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Chearyeong appeared in her room, and raised a brow. She was confused as to why Ryujin wasn't with her. She slipped her shoes off, and walked into the hallway to Felix's room. She knocked on his door.

"Uh...One second."

She heard whispers and shuffling around. Felix then opened the door, and smiled nervously. His hair was a mess and his clothes were wrinkled.

"Am I interrupting something?" She asked.

"No no, come in." He said.

Chearyeong walked in and plopped herself on Felix's bed with a sigh.

"What's up with my little sister." Felix asked, sitting next to her.

Chearyeong let out a big breathe.

"I'm just conflicted with my own feelings and everything going on. I think I'm falling for Ryujin, but I'm supposed to be against her. I don't think it's fair to kill vampires when they are living just like us." Chearyeong pouted.

"It's okay, it won't be like this forever. I believe at some point humans and vampires can unite."

"You really think so?"

"Yes." Felix smiled.

"Thank you Felix." Chearyeong said,hugging her older brother.

"You're welcome." He said, hugging her back.

Chearyeong pulled away and cleared her throat, crossing her legs.

"Now that that's out the way, I have tea." She smiled.

"Oh~ spill." He smirked.

"Me and Ryujin kissed." Chearyeong said excitedly.


Chearyeong heard two voices and a thud. She looked at Felix's closet, and Changbin was laying on the floor shirtless. He stood up awkwardly and cleared his throat.

"So I did Interrupt something!" She said intrigued.

"And you weren't lying when you said Chanbin had abs."

"Hey! Don't gawk at my boyfriend." Felix huffed.

Chaeryeong laughed at him.

"Don't worry he's all your's." Chearyeong smiled at him.

"Anyways see you later! You two can continue now." She winked at the two before closing the door.

She walked down the hallway back to her room, thinking about what Felix said. Could Ryujin and Chearyeong really make a change?

'Nah. We're just two dumb teen girls...well is Ryujin a teen? Well I think she it right? Just like a vampire teen. Yeahhh.'

Once she was inside her room she flopped on her bed, taking out her phone to scroll threw social media. While mindlessly scrolling she heard a scream. She sat up and follow the yelling.

"Get this thing out of my house Felix!" She heard her mom yell.

"He's not a thing he's just like anyone else!"

Chearyeong walked into Felix's room confused as to what was going on. Everyone turned to look at the girl. Her mom was crying. She couldn't tell if they were tears of anger, sadness, disappointment, or all three.

"Did you know about this?" She asked pointing to the punctured hole's on Felix's neck. She couldn't bring herself to lie so she just looked away.

"So you did!? And you didn't say anything!?"

"N-no." Chearyeong said softly.

"And why not?"

"Because I don't see the problem." She said avoiding eye contact.

"What do you mean?" Her mom's tone wasn't very nice and it scared Chearyeong.

"Like Felix said, he's just like everyone else."

Their mom was appalled. She looked at her two kids in shock. She quickly got over her shock, and took two steps, standing in front of Changbin. She look the boy dead in the eye, and slapped him. Felix gasped, and looked at his mom with teary eyes.

"Stay away from my family, and get the fuck out of my house." She said in a low tone.

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry for the inconvenience." He said before disappearing into a black dust.

The women sighed and ran her hands threw her hair.

"How could you two let that monster into my house." She said, throwing her hands up in the air.

"He's not a monster mom! He's the same Changbin you met last year and said was a respectful, handsome, young man! He's the same Changbin who helped me take care of Chearyeong when she was sick when you and dad were gone! He's the same Changbin who helped you bake a birthday cake for dad! Just because he's vampire doesn't make him a bad person! I'm tired of you and dad trying to manipulate us into thinking Vampires are monsters. It's not fair. They live the same life as us and do the same things! Yes they are different but so what! They don't do any harm! If anything people like us are the real monsters!" Felix was now crying. All the emotions he had bottled up got to him and he couldn't take it.

His mom had taken the boys words to heart. She felt guilty for hurting her son, and she knew what he was say was true but she can't break.

"Then what was that I just saw? Huh? Care to explain why I just witnessed him sucking your blood?"

"I don't have to tell you! All you need to know is that I let him and I'm not hurt."

His mom glared at him, not liking the answer she just received.

"You are grounded. And I will be talking to your father about this." She said, turning to walk out the room.

"And Chearyeong."

"Yes." She said, looking up from her feet.

"I don't want you around that girl from across the street."

"But mom-"

"No buts. It's what I said." She said finally walking out of the room.

Felix sat on his bed, and Chearyeong stood by the door. It was completely silent.

'What just happened..'

These two just watched their world get snatched away from them.

"You wanna talk about it?" Chearyeong said, breaking the silence.

"No Not really." Felix said, sniffling.

"You want a hug?"

"Yeah." He said, a small smile on his face.

Chearyeong walked over to Felix, and tackled him. Felix had fell asleep hugging Chearyeong, but the girl was still awake. Even after her mom told her to stay away from Ryujin, she knew she couldn't. The girl was like a addiction that you couldn't get over. The adrenaline rush she got when she was with Ryujin was better than anything she has ever felt before. So she knew what she was going to do. She would just sneak around a bit.

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