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It was now lunch time, and Chaeryeong and Ryujin were making their way over to Ryujins friends in the cafeteria.

"Hey can I ask you something?" Ryujin said.

"Go ahead."

"Who's Changbin?" Ryujin felt something when Changbin and Chaeryeong were being close earlier, but she couldn't explain it so she just let it go. At the same time she wanted to know who he was.

"Oh~ he's my brother's boyfriend. They met about a year ago when we came to visit Seoul."

Ryujin made an O with her mouth. Ryujin felt relieved knowing that they weren't that close.

They approached the table, silently sitting down as they watched Lia and Yuna arguing once again.

"Even numbers are weird, odd numbers are way better." Yuna crossed her arm's.

"Um odd number are weird, even numbers are more satisfying." Lia said.

"How can a number be satisfying!?"

"I don't know it just can!"

The two turned away from each other with their arms crossed.

They then both looked back at each other and stared for a moment before both of them began to laugh.

Ryujin turned to Chaeryeong.

"That's my sister, Yuna and then that's one of my best friends, Lia." Ryujin explained.

"Then lastly this is my best of best friends, Yeji." She said hugging Yeji tightly.

Chaeryeong felt her chest tighten a little seeing Ryujin hug Yeji. She of course dismissed this feeling because Yeji is Ryujins best friend, and she only met Ryujin less than 24 hours ago. She felt as if she shouldn't be this attached already, but she was. Ryujin had been nothing but a total sweet heart to her since the second she met her.

Ryujin slung her arm over Chaeryeongs shoulder, and spoke.

"So I'm gonna tell you the story of how I met this cutie right here." Ryujin said pinching her cheek.

"Oh yes please do tell because, me and mommy were gossiping about you and Chaeryeong after you left." Yuna smirked.

Ryujin rolled her eyes.

"Anyways. Last night i was leaving Yejis house and I ran into her. Turns out she lives right across from me. So i walked her home, and we exchanged numbers. End of story." She said.

"Oh that makes a lot of sense I was kind of confused." Lia said.

"This is definitely a cute love story. Invite me to the wedding." Yuna said and they all began to laugh. The only two not laughing were Yeji and Chaeryeong. Chaeryeong was to busy blushing trying to hide, and yeji was just straight pissed.

Those two? Married? She scoffed. She felt as if Ryujin was out of Chaeryeongs league. She just sat there quietly watching her friends have a good time.

'She's lucky I don't suck her dry.' Yeji thought to herself

They all sat making small talk with Chaeryeong to get to know her better. Yeji kept watching how close Ryujin and Chaeryeong were, and had enough of it.

She stood up and sat down in between Ryujin and Chaeryeong.

Before anyone could ask questions the bell rang.

They all said their goodbyes and walked to their next classes.


The school day was over. Ryujin and Chaeryeong were walking back home together, but Ryujin didn't want to go home just yet. She wanted to spend more time with Chaeryeong.

"Chaeryeong?" Ryujin asked, still looking forward as she walked.

Chaeryeong turned her head over to Ryujin.


"Can I call you Chae?" Ryujin said stopping.

Chaeryeong felt the butterflies in her stomach. She didn't know why a simple nickname made her feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside but it did.

"I mean yea sure." She said in a hushed voice.

"Ok its official your new nickname is Chae." Ryujin smiled.

They kept walking until Chaeryeong noticed they weren't walking home.

"Were are we going?"

"To get corn dogs. I want to show you around the city...or more like i wanna spend time with you."

Chaeryeong blushed at her words and nodded.

"Hold my hand?"

Chaeryeong nodded and grabbed her hand, letting Ryujin drag her along. Chaeryeong couldn't get enough of this feeling she felt. She could tell they would be close.

They had now reached downtown Seoul. It was the evening, so it had became darker as they walked. The lights sparkled, making Chaeryeong stare around in awe. Ryujin started pointing things out such as nice restaurants, good hang out spots, and various stores.

They came to a stop when the saw a corn dog stan.

"What can i get you ladies?"

"Two corn dogs please."

"Ok Two corn dogs coming right up."

Ryujin smiled at the man and began walking to a bench.

"Thank you." Chaeryeong said, smiling at the man.

The man nodded his head giving Chaeryeong a smile as well.

Chaeryeong walked over to the bench were Ryujin was sitting, and slapped her arm.

"Ow! What was that for!?" Ryujin said rubbing her arm.

"You forgot to say thank you to that kind man making our corn dogs!"

"I'm sorry~." Ryujin pouted.

Chaeryeong didn't respond, and just crossed her arm's.

"Forgive me~?" Ryujin said, leaning close to Chaeryeong's face. Chaeryeong began to blush, as their faces were only a few inches apart.

"Your forgiven." Chaeryeong blurted.

A/N: So the first 5 chapters are doneeeee. What do you guys think so far? Give me some feed back plz😭.

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