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"This isn't good for us...he isn't good for us. maybe we should change apartments." Sang-woo suggested in a soft tone. Gi-hun slightly furrowed his eyebrows.

"Isn't good for us or isn't good for me?" Gi-hun asked, looking into Sang-woo's eyes. The said male frowned.

"Don't do this..." Sang-woo said, gently caressing Gi-hun's cheek. Gi-hun turned his face away from the gentle touch of his hand.

"You're telling me that?" Gi-hun raised both eyebrows as Sang-woo sighed, sitting up normally so Gi-hun could sit up as well.

"I don't like him...could you at least respect that?" Sang-woo turned his head to the older male, frowning.

"Only if you can respect that I want to give him a chance-" Gi-hun was cut off by the sound of knocking at the apartment door. He got up to answer it when Sang-woo pushed him back down on the couch so he could answer it himself.

Sang-woo stood in front of the door as the knocking continued, similar to the way his paranoia got the best of him in the past year. The gentle knocks on the door didn't stop, which annoyed him in the slightest.

"Who's there?" He asked, exhausted from arguing with Gi-hun, who got up from the couch anyway to go to the door. He folded his arms before opening the door to see Seok-woo standing at the door, looking quite surprised to see that anyone answered at all.

"Hi. Hate to be nosy, I'm usually not like that but...everything alright in here? You two okay?" Seok-woo asked, looking at Gi-hun as he was mostly speaking to him.

"Everything's fine." Sang-woo snapped, Gi-hun shooting him a look as though he was being rude. Seok-woo ignored the four-eyed male and continued to look at Gi-hun, awaiting his answer. Gi-hun rolled his eyes and sighed before nodding his head with a slight smile.

"We're okay. I was just about to head out for some fresh air." Gi-hun, clearly shading Sang-woo, who he believed was being unreasonable.

Seok-woo gave a satisfied smile before leaving and going back to his own apartment. Sang-woo shut the door and watched as Gi-hun got ready to head back outside like he said he would. Sang-woo was too tired to protest as he finished up putting groceries away. Gi-hun looked at the younger male sadly before heading for the door.

"Be careful." Sang-woo simply said. Gi-hun nodded his head, not really expecting Sang-woo to see it as he walked out. To the younger, it felt as though Gi-hun was ignoring him now.

Sang-woo still believed that Seok-woo was just some crazy psychopath, even if he wasn't trying to buy people into playing those horrific games. But as much as he hated to admit it, jealousy was a serious problem of his. He hid it so well in the past but seeing as he and Gi-hun were officially together, the toxins of those feelings were starting to leak out of him. He wanted to listen to Gi-hun, and understand him. But at the same time, he felt that Gi-hun should listen to him more. He wanted to humble himself and stop thinking that he was smarter than everyone, as thoughts led him to his issues with the police and being in debt. But he was so convinced of this fact that he thought of Gi-hun as a lesser human being, someone gullible and pathetic.

After putting all their groceries away, Sang-woo sat back down on the couch and stared off into space. No phone meant he couldn't even call or text Gi-hun, who could've decided to stay out all night for all he knew.


"Dammit..." Gi-hun whispered to himself in frustration. He sat on a random bench and stared off into nothing, watching as cars sped by him and the sun getting ready to set.

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