🔺 CHAPTER 20 🔺

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"When are you coming to America, dad? It's awesome here!" Ga-yeong asked from the other phone line. Gi-hun chuckled to himself whilst at a pay phone.

"Hopefully soon, buttercup; papa's got a lot on his plate right now." He replied, shaking his head a bit. He knew was putting on the pouty face without even having to see her.

"Darn...I miss you..is it money again?" She said and asked.

"No, your old man's fine with cash these days...I miss you too, honey. I'll visit as soon as I can, I promise."

"Great! How are things with you and your friend, by the way?" She asked in a suggestive tone. Gi-hun chuckled once more at the silly child.

"You're a little goofball, aren't ya? Things are fine with us." He replied, earning a loud groan from his daughter.

"Just fine? What have you guys been doing? Drinking beer and watching football? Was there any action? Is he your boyfriend or what?" Ga-yeong exclaimed, whispering the last part.

"Ga-yeong, I don't know what you've been watching over there but your mother's going to hear you if
You keep going on like that.

"Mom's all the way in the kitchen, she can't hear me. Sooooo? Is he?"

"No, sweetie, he's not my boyfriend.." Gi-hun said in a lower tone in case anyone else were to hear him.

"Ugh, we'll hurry it up, okay? I have to go now. Bye dad, I love you!" Ga-yeong said happily. Gi-hun grinned happily.

"Love you too, kiddo. We'll talk soon." He said before hanging up the phone and sighing. He hated lying to his daughter but he at least told her most of the truth; he did have a lot on his plate at the moment.


The work day was stressful, to say the least, but no one ever said working as a chauffeur was easy. Gi-hun could've sworn the child in the back seat was telling the same story over and over again as his mother tried desperately to quiet him down. For Gi-hun, it was at least better than the constant bickering of Sang-woo as he expresses his insane amount of jealousy. Hopefully he would take what Gi-hun said into consideration and try to fix himself. Therapy can't really fix jealousy, at least that's what Gi-hun assumed.

If Sang-woo loves Gi-hun, he'll try.


"Sang-woo, what was that? Why did you get so angry at my friend, huh?" Gi-hun asked, Sang-woo sitting on his own bed with his arms crossed and his eyes looking elsewhere. He sighed in defeat.

"I'm sorry I...I got...mmph...I got- jealous.." he struggled to get his words out. So simple a word and yet it carried so much weight, "I know I shouldn't have acted like that, it wasn't very like me. It's just.." Sang-woo sheepishly rubbed his arm as Gi-hun sat down next to him, placing his hand on his shoulder.

"Hey it's okay..take your time." The bushy haired boy said with a slight smile.

"You're all I have, Gi-hun...I don't have any other friends, not that I've ever made much effort to make any. But you aren't like the other annoying kids; I actually think you're...cool. And when you brought that other kid along, I....." Sang-woo explained, followed by a deep sigh and a wet sniffle in his nose, "I thought you'd leave me.." he finished with a broken voice. Gi-hun frowned at the sight of his sad friend, who wiped a tear from his reddening eye.

"Hey don't cry, Sang-woo...I'd never leave you, you know that. You're my number 1 best friend and no one could ever replace you. There's nothing to get jealous about." Gi-hun said with a gentle smile on his face. There was a forgiving tone in his voice and anyone could tell he was being genuine.

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