⭐️ CHAPTER 25 ⭐️

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🔞Implied NSFW ahead🔞

"Good...very good...that's better." Seok-woo gently stroked Gi-hun's cheek before leaning down and kissing his neck again, in the same spot as before. Gi-hun slightly arched his back, biting his lip and letting out a moan.

"Seok-woo...." He said his name again, a low chuckle coming from the said man.

"That's right, love...you don't have to say anything else...just my name...." He said, slowly sliding a hand down Gi-hun's pants.

Gi-hun felt like he was frozen, though he could feel everything throughout his body. The ache in his chest, Seok-woo's lips against his skin and his hand touching him in his pants. He could recognize it was Seok-woo, but his mentality was that Sang-woo was the bad guy and Seok-woo was helping him. Sang-woo's words rang through his mind multiple times as he relived that harsh break up. He was in jail now. A place where he'd never see him again, and he didn't want to see Gi-hun anymore; that's what he said.

But Gi-hun couldn't hate him for all the mishaps, all the arguments, even this. He didn't want it to be over, didn't want to let go; not after all they'd been through, all they achieved. It shouldn't have been so easy for them to fall apart.

Tears continued to fall down Gi-hun's cheeks as he felt it was all his fault that things fell apart; he'd been so trusting, and wanted Sang-woo to deliver that same energy. That's where things started to falter.

Gi-hun's thoughts were interrupted when Seok-woo's lips crashed into his and his body started to buckle and jump from his lower region. He didn't realize Seok-woo had gotten that far with him. He couldn't care less, either. After Seok-woo parted away from him, Gi-hun just stared up at him.

Yes. He recognized him as the businessman who put him in hell itself, those godforsaken games. And then he showed up again for friendship and...this shit. Lust. It was only lust.

But his clouded mind made him forget what was important.

Seok-woo put Sang-woo in jail. Seok-woo tore them apart. And now he could bask in the glory of how he succeeded in doing so and took Gi-hun away. How Sang-woo didn't believe him when he said that Seok-woo made the call to the police.

'I still love you....Sang-woo....'

'This man isn't you...and I'm sorry...'


"He's too stubborn. Probably won't listen unless I can show him some kind of proof. Anyone manage to get ahold of Seong Gi-hun's phone?" Jun-ho said and asked, a couple of his colleagues surrounding him in the break room. One of them simply nodded, heading to a separate area and picking up a box full of items from crime scenes; one of them being the phone.

"We searched it earlier while you were with the culprit. The gap between the last time he called his daughter and this recent call is too large for us to accuse him of lying. It's the only other option considering he seemed genuinely confused by all this." She said, folding her arms as Jun-ho retrieved the cellphone.

"Other option?" He repeated, plopping the box down on the floor and eyeing his colleague curiously. She nodded along with the others.

"We know he isn't lying about making the call, otherwise the story about calling his daughter from a pay phone would make no sense. This means his phone was taken by someone else and they made the call instead. With this information in mind, I'm skeptical of Mr. Park Seok-woo. We have to either confirm or deny his personal issues with Cho Sang-woo."

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