Chapter 1 - Realization

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Anamika had a very weird dream in a long time where she saw herself in her room, actually her room with decorations which were discarded years back. All her maids are in a hurry to complete her dressing so that she could attend the puja(Prayer) with her husband. The puja meant for her to get pregnant or in other words the puja meant for the heir of the kingdom.

She remembers this day, as if it happened yesterday and not some 30 years back. She was so depressed by her mother-in-law asking about her pregnancy all the time. But now she doesn't need to think about all this, which is the past. She was sure that it was a dream because she could see the younger version of herself in the mirror rather than the grandmother of three children.

She just want to get out of this dream, as she doesn't want to relive those moments which she had moved on from. But when she gets pain and saw blood due to the hairpin that the maids were putting in her head, she realizes that it's not a dream anymore. Otherwise she would have woken up when the prickling pain hit her head.

Now she is confused. How could she come back in time? All the years of pain and loneliness cannot be a dream. While she is trying to understand the current situation, her husband Yuvraj Pratap Singh Rathod entered her chamber and signalled all the maids to move out silently. Everyone went out and then he came near Anamika who is sitting in front of the mirror, deep in her thoughts.

Anamika suddenly felt something cool on her neck and looked at it through the mirror. She saw a pearl necklace being put on her neck and then saw the person who is putting that on. He looked the same way before going for wars, without beard and scars.

"I know what you are thinking", Pratap spoke to which Anamika looked at him. He continued his unfinished sentence, "You are still thinking about what happened yesterday. Aren't you?". Anamika tried to remember what he is talking about. Then she remembered that incident where her mother-in-law, Ranisa Rathnavathi once again talked about her inefficiency to get pregnant while everyone in the Royal family were assembled for dinner and Ranasa has appreciated her for her suggestions in the court.

If it was the old Anamika without the knowledge of the future happenings, she would have thought that Ranisa was just pitying her or she is too eager for a grandchild, just like Ranasa and Yuvraj has thought. But now she knew the real reason. Ranisa wants to remain as the most powerful woman in the court and doesn't want to have a competitor.

"Don't think too much about that", Anamika came out of her thoughts when Pratap called her. "I have talked with Maasa. So hereafter she will not talk about this. Ok?", He asked her. "Ok Yuvraj", Anamika replied him, although she still needs time to come in terms with this unknown phenomenon where she is living her life once again.

Yuvraj frowned at her reply which in turn made Anamika confused. She voiced out her thoughts, "What happened yuvraj? ".  To which he replied, "Why are you calling me Yuvraj?". Anamika remembered that she started calling him by his title, only after their rift which was after his second marriage, as she felt that he was not her Pratap.

Seeing her thinking, Pratap said kneeling in front of her, "I know that you are hurt. But please don't be angry on me. The problem is not just yours. It's our problem. And we will overcome it together. I apologize on behalf of Maasa. Please don't go away from me". All the time Anamika was just looking at his eyes, which reflected his sincerity.

At the end, he had tears in his eyes while imagining her being away from him, even emotionally if not physically. Anamika got panicked and don't know what to say and convince him. She said, "Yuv-", stopped herself from saying the same which brought up this conversation in the first place.

And continued, "It's not what you are thinking. I just got lost in my thinking, nothing else. I am done with my dressing. Shall we leave for the puja?". But Pratap is not satisfied with the answer. So he said, "No. If you are not angry then call me by my name. Then only I will be satisfied that you are normal". Pratap was not able to digest the fact that his wife of 5 years has called him by his title for the first time, which is making him feel like they are growing apart with the first step being this. Now he realize that should do something before he lose her forever. He cannot simply convince Anamika in private while not stopping his mother when she gets insulted in front of others, just because his mother is elder.

On the other hand, Anamika couldn't bring herself to call him by his name. After all, it has been more than three decades since she had called him by his name since the previous lifetime. Composing herself, Anamika replied, "Ok Pratap". She felt like a young bride once again, who couldn't call her husband by name, although her reasons are different.

Pratap felt relieved and kissed her forehead. Anamika felt shocked since it had been a long time since they both had physical contact during her previous lifetime. But for Pratap, it is a normal occurrence which happens anytime, everyday.

Then Pratap took Anamika's hand in his and left for the puja. Now Anamika is certain that she has come back in time. Her next question is, 'Why?'. When they reached the place where the puja is arranged, She saw the person who gave the answers to her questions.

Anamika realized that she cannot go through everything that happened in the previous lifetime, once again. Why should she go through everything again, if she could change her fate and make a happy life for herself? For once, she wants to be selfish. After all, She also wished for a loving husband and more than one child to complete her family. Now that She knew who did what, she can face them fearlessly and counterattack their moves. If She doesn't fight even now, she will only be a coward who is lazy enough to simply blame the fate and go with the flow.

Will Anamika be able to change the course of fate?


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