Chapter 42 - Family Plans

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Hereafter, Ranasa(Pratap's father) will be referred as Baabasa,  Ranisa(Pratap's mother) will be referred as Maasa and Jaiwanta Bai will be called by Pratap and Anamika as Badi Maasa.


Abhimanyu smiled and nodded at her. Then he looked at his parents and said,"Maa, Baba, when will you bring the new brother or sister?". Anamika replied,"It will take some more months, my Sher. We will see that later. Now come, let's go for lunch". Everyone dispersed for their works later.

After 2 years

It was the first birthday celebration of the second prince of the empire, Rajkumar Amar Singh Rathod. So the Palace was decorated for the celebrations under the supervision of Anamika and the former queen while Abhimanyu along with Pratiksha were getting themselves as well as their brother ready for the function along with their choti Dadisa Rathnavathi. Pratiksha was happy to get a small brother and Abhimanyu was happy that his sister's wish got fulfilled.  For the first few months, they could only look at their brother sleeping or simply smiling at them. It is only after some six months or so that their brother was able to move around and the siblings were in awe at his progress. Although it was difficult to share their parents' attention with another sibling, Abhimanyu and Pratiksha were never left an opportunity to feel alone with their grandparents being there to pamper them all the time. While Anamika had to keep her constant attention on Amar during his early days, she didn't leave the smallest of opportunity to be with her elder children, like waking them up every morning and getting them ready and making their favorite dishes whenever she is free. And when she couldn't be with them, Pratap took up their responsibility whenever he is free from his official works. While Pratap tries to pamper his daughter during this time, as generally Anamika won't let him do that, Pratiksha doesn't demand anything from him and behaves very calmly and obediently. Pratap couldn't be more proud of his elder children, being a single child both Pratap and Anamika doesn't know how the children might feel about sharing their parents but they are doing all they could do.

The birthday celebration included only the royal family members and Anamika's mother Sunaina while the ministers and their families were invited. And gifts were distributed for common people all over the empire which includes all the conquered countries as well.  Once the special puja(Prayer) for the birthday boy is done, the grand lunch followed. One by one all the guests were moving out. The kids got tired and slept off, now that there are three of them, rhe attached chamber was added with another bed. Anamika sat on the bed and sighed while closing her eyes due to exhaustion. Suddenly she felt her feet being massaged and opened her eyes only to look at her lovely husband who was pressing her feet and legs. Anamika didn't try to remove her legs from his hold, after all he is the readon for why she is having swollen feet.  "How are you feeling now? You need to take rest and let others do their work", Pratap asked Anamika who replied, "I want to do certain things for my children on their important occasions". Pratap didn't argue on that as he knows if he started an argument then he will end up sleeping alone in his own chamber, which is more of a study room now-a-days. The Couple had a disagreement over getting pregnant again very soon. Now that Anamika is pregnant again, she gets irriated a lot and end up blaming him for getting her pregnant while she is an equal participant. After her anger goes off, she will apologize to him and end up crying for hurting him. This has been a routine for two weeks since they got to know that she is two months pregnant with their fourth child and third pregnancy.

Slowly Anamika went to sleep while Pratap went to check on their children once before going to sleep.  When Anamika's belly started to grow, Abhimanyu asked, "Why is your stomach growing again? Amar is also here, then how did your stomach grow again?". Amar looked at his brother and smiled showing his four teeth as he heard his name being called. Pratiksha looked expectantly at their mother for an explanation. Anamika explained them calmly,"It is because you are going to have one more brother or sister again". Abhimanyu frowned,"But we didn't ask for a sister or brother again. Prati, did you ask for it from God?". She shook her head as an answer, then Anamika explained,"My Sher and my dear princess, Listen carefully. God gave you a brother when you prayed your wish but that's not the case always. May be now you don't wish for a brother or sister and God has already given us one. But later when you really wish for a baby, then that time he may not give your wish. So we have to accept and cherish his gifts whenever he gives us one". Both the kids nodded at her went out to play, taking Amar with them.  Anamika sighed at the tedious task she had completed. She very well knows that they could have avoided the pregnancy but they were careless about it. But this is a lesson for them to be careful next time.  And finally after few months, Anamika delivered a healthy baby boy again.

The naming ceremony of the new baby was held and he was named as 'Aditya Singh Rathod'. After the ceremony ended, the family of six were spending their time together in Anamika's chamber where the kids were around the new born baby sleeping in the cradle or in other words, the little guy was trying to sleep amidst the kids talking among themselves. Amar also started talking so they were discussing among themselves about when the new baby will play with them. Abhimanyu and Pratiksha being four and a half years old, were explaining Amar, who was trying to wake up the baby, that it will take a few months before he started to walk. For Amar, his brother is his teacher so he believed anything if his brother Abhimanyu says something. Amar nodded at him and replied,"Ok Bhai". Pratap and Anamika were discussing about some pressing state affairs when Anamika said,"Pratap, the kids are growing up and with the new addition to our family, I think we need a seperate chamber for them. Right now, a single big chamber which can accomodate all our children. Then after a few years, one by one they can have seperate chambers. What do you think?".

Pratap thought for sometime and said, "Anamika do you remember my idea of building a new Palace which could connect us with the empire better?. This palace is big enough but when we had only one kingdom it is ok. But now we need to be in a place where the subordinates for all the provinces would be able to reach us faster. So the palace is under construction and we can shift to it when completed. We can come to this place for some kind of vacation with family and when our sons take over we can simply come to this palace and spend our old age. What do you think?". Anamika found his idea to be good and agreed.  Suddenly Pratiksha came over to the bed and Pratap lifted her and placed on his lap, while the other two followed. Abhimanyu lifted Amar to Anamika and he himself sat between his parents. Anamika kissed his forehead and he smiled at her. Pratiksha questioned her mother, "Maa, when will Ahilya come here? You said that she is coming right. It has been a long time since we met". Anamika noticed a sparkle in her son's eyes when he heard the question. It was really a surprise to both Anamika and Pratap that Abhimanyu was calm and gentle with another girl apart from his sister. Even with other girl friends of Pratiksha, he wouldn't mingle, so this was a surprise for everyone. Ahilya, daughter of Malhar rao Holkar, is a year and half younger than Pratiksha and Ahimanyu. Others may think that Abhimanyu's behaviour is just friendliness or fondness but only Anamika knew that it is a budding love. May be this time, they might have a love marriage rather than an arranged marriage. Anamika silently prayed,"Atleast this time, give my son and his wife, a happy and long life. If my fate can be changed in this second life, I do have a strong instinct that their life would also change".


Hi guys,

The Book will end in maximum of two chapters. Let's see.

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