Chapter 28 - Heirs

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Anamika's screams were soon followed by an infant's cry which brought joy to all the souls outside as well as the one who gave birth. While the first child was getting cleaned, Anamika soon pushed her second baby and fell asleep.

The midwife brought one child out and announced with almost happiness, "Congratulations Yuvraj! Our future Yuvraj is here". Eveyone including the maids and guards were very happy and they went out of the place to share the news with others. Ranasa couldn't control his happiness from showing on his face and also sent a maid to inform the news to his mother, who went to rest for sometime. Ranisa was eager to hold her grandchild in her arms as well.

The midwife gave the baby boy to Yuvraj who hesitated at first but later took him in his arms and asked,"How is Anamika? Is she alright?".  The midwife said,"Yes Yuvraj, both Bahuranisa and children are fine and healthy". Looking at his son for the first time, Pratap felt surreal with the feeling of being a father. He kissed the boy's head while a few tears left his eyes, both due to the happiness of holding his son healthy in his arms as well as the grief of losing his unknown child which he got to know only today. Its as if God is testing him to choose sides between his children whether to celebrate the birth of his twin children or mourn for the death of his first child.

Pratap was determined that as a father, he will not disappoint both. Seeing that Yuvraj doesn't seem to give his grandson to him, Ranasa said,"If you have seen enough of my grandson, then let me look at him as well". Hearing Ranasa's voice, Pratap came out of his daze and gave his son to his father. Ranasa expected his son to reply him back with some funny remarks but let it go thinking that he is emotional as he was wiping his tears.

During the training of being a Yuvraj (Crown Prince), Pratap had been trained well to not ket his emotions show on his face. But today the mask has slipped and that too infront of all. When Ranasa and Ranisa were happily looking at their grandson who was sleeping after being tired of crying, Pratap was still looking at the birth chamber looking for his second baby. Later, the midwife brought the second baby wrapped in a golden silk cloth similar to the first child and said,"Congratulations Yuvraj! We are blessed with Lakshmi. We have our Rajkumari (Princess) here".

Pratap took his daughter in his arms which didnt hesitate this time as he had already hold his son. Looking at her serene face, he seems to forget all the bad incidents happened today and felt calm for a moment. Then he said,"My daughter is not just Lakshmi but also Parvathi and Saraswati. She will be just like her mother". (In the beliefs of Hinduism, the three Goddesses symbolize three things needed in the life of a person. Goddess Lakshmi - Symbol of wealth. Goddess Saraswati - Symbol of Education. Goddess Parvathi - Symbol of bravery. Generally people compare the birth of a girl child in a family to Goddess Lakshmi )

Ranasa heard his words and smiled since even he wished for the same. Then Ranisa asked for her granddaughter from Pratap but he refused saying that he doesn't want to part from his daughter. Suddenly the baby boy started crying and hearing her brothers sound, the baby girl also started crying. Pratap got panicked as both of them started crying at the same time. The midwife explained that they must be hungry so she took both the babies one by one to their mother who regained her conscious, so that they could be fed.

Pratap entered the birth chamber where Anamika will be staying for some more days till she regained her strength or shall we say till her bleeding stops. The bed was surrounded by slightly transparent screen so that she can have her privacy while feeding babies. Pratap said,"Thank you Anamika. You have given me the biggest gift of my life. And when I think of myself as a father, I feel out of the world. And I'm happy that you are the mother of my children. Thank you once again".  Anamika smiled at his confession.

In her previous life, she couldn't enjoy this precious moment of her life happily either due to the attacks before and after her pregnancy or her stained relationship with Pratap. Now that the enemy is captured, she can be relaxed during this period and enjoy her lone time with her children. But still she would not let her guards down, atleast not until all the culprits are punished.  After a pong pause, Pratap said,"I'm sorry Anamika, for shouting at you without reason. I was so angry and didn't think of consequences. I will proceed with the court regarding the incident last night but will stall the judgement till you are well enough to attend it".  Then he left the place to look after the evil woman or in other words, his prey.

Looking at her baby boy, Anamika checked for a particular mole which Abhimanyu had in her previous life. Since the parents are same, there are high chances that she will have her 'sher' again as well. And indeed, the baby has the same mole.  Generally, Mothers will have a special place in their heart for their first born and it's double in case of Abhimanyu for Anamika. And it's somewhat worrying her for she doesn't want to show partiality between her children. In the previous life, she didn't have these issues since Abhimanyu was her only child. After Pratap left, Dadisa came to see her great grand children and enjoyed some time with them.


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And the amount whatever I have collected, I have submitted it to the temple authorities. Thanks to everyone who have contributed.


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