Chapter 5 - Horoscope

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Anamika came back to her chamber and was simply resting in her lounge room when Kamala came to inform the arrival of Ranisa and her friend. Anamika nodded at her to let them in and stood up to greet them. "Pranam Maasa!", She greeted Ranisa and then turned towards the guest and said with a smile, "Pranam!". For anyone, it will look like a normal greeting. But for Meenavathi, it looked like a trap.

Without replying to her greeting, Ranisa asked furiously, "How dare you to make my son work for you? That too in the kitchen? He is the Yuvraj of this kingdom, not your slave. And what is the need for cooking separately when the royal cook makes whatever you wish for". If it was the real 21 year old Anamika, then she would have replied back in the same manner. But not the one who is standing in front of Ranisa with the experience of an old woman.

Anamika still kept her smile and replied calmly, "Maasa, I agree that Pra-", although she can call him by his name it is not a good manner to call that in front of others, so she corrected herself, "Yuvraj is not my slave. But he is my husband and he himself decided to take a part of his wife's work. What can I do other than following his orders? And as far as the cooking is concerned, When I went to temple a week ago, a baba(saint) had told me that if I keep my food simple like common subjects rather than a Royal, then it would please the God and I will be blessed with a child. That's why I have made the kitchen".

When Anamika finished her talk, Meenavathi knew that now she has to look for alternatives otherwise all her dreams would be crushed. Even Ranisa was shocked at her calm composure because usually either she would get angry or hurt when they taunt about her infertility. So Ranisa just left the chamber in anger. Meenavathi too followed her out of the chamber.

When they reached their chamber, Meenavathi said, "Ranisa, something is suspicious." She is really nervous because all these years she is giving some special herbs from her province to Anamika, unknown to anyone, through her food. Now that Anamika is cooking her own food, she can't do that anymore. Which means, Anamika might get pregnant and the kingdom will get it's heir. That means her daughter will not be able to get married to Yuvraj.

The reason why she chose to make Anamika childless to get her daughter married is because Pratap had already denied to marry again, since he want to practice monogamy. Ranisa thought it was Anamika's influence that he is unwilling to take another wife. And it made Ranisa even more insecure than she already is. The reason being the thought of Anamika becoming more powerful than her. Irony is that she is herself enjoying the title of being the only Queen of the kingdom, but doesn't want the same for another woman.

The only difference between these two ladies is that, Ranisa doesn't know about the artificial infertility created by her companion.  Ranisa replied, "Yes. Even I feel so. Let's wait till tomorrow for Pandit ji".

The day went fast and the night came quickly. Pratap came to Anamika's chamber and saw that she is cooking dinner. He called the maids to prepare a bath. Hearing his voice, Anamika came near him and took his sword and crown off. Then he simply laid down on the couch closing his eyes. Anamika let him rest and went to check whether his bath is ready. Once it is ready, all the maids went out of the chamber and as per Anamika's orders, retired for the night.

Anamika went to Pratap and woke him up to take his bath. He went to take a bath and returned shirtless since it is already night. Anamika served him dinner and made her plate as well. Both of them had dinner while Pratap shared about the court happenings for the day. Then both of them retired to bed and slept while hugging each other.

The next day, Ranisa was desperately waiting for the Pandit ji. Even she had asked Ranasa to not attend the court for the day. So Yuvraj has to preside over the court today. On the other hand, Anamika was in deep thoughts as to whether Pandit ji's words will remain the same or not.

Meenavathi thought of bribing the Pandit ji but he has been serving the royal family since a long time. So she thought to wait for his words. And if it is not assisting her plans, then she will make her next strike. Who knows, may be it will be helpful for her plans?

Putting a full stop to everyone's desperation, Pandit ji came. Ranasa, Ranisa and Meenavathi greeted him. He also greeted them and took his seat. Ranisa gave him the horoscope of Yuvraj and waited for his words.

After looking through the horoscope and calculating the positions of stars, Pandit ji looked at Ranasa and said, "Ranasa! It seems the latest changes in the positions of stars brought too many good things for our Yuvraj and our Kingdom." Although the Pandit ji has been serving the royal family for years, it is not a frequent thing that he checks horoscopes of the royals. Usually his work will be to conduct some puja or other auspicious rituals.

Pandit ji continued, "I know that you are worried about the heir." To which Ranisa replied immediately, "Yes Pandit ji". "No need to worry about that Ranisa. We will get the heir of the kingdom within a year", Pandit ji said with happiness.

Ranasa and Ranisa were over the moon hearing his words, whereas the other person felt like her life is being sucked out. Although Ranisa doesn't like Anamika and want someone else in her place as Bahuranisa(Daughter-in-law), it doesn't mean she would hate her grandchildren through her. And Meenavathi knew this as well as the status difference between them, which is why it is making her even more fearful.

Ranisa turned towards her companion to share her happiness, but met with a sight of a  person who is motionless. Immediately she realized what is going on in her companion's mind. She took her hand in hers and blinked her eyes, as if saying that they will see to that matter afterwards.

After that Ranisa turned towards Pandit ji to know more about her son's future.


Precap : Pandit ji's prediction.

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Sorry for the late update. And enjoy the chapter.

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