Chapter 39 - Arrival

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Hereafter, Ranasa(Pratap's father) will be referred as Baabasa,  Ranisa(Pratap's mother) will be referred as Maasa and Jaiwanta Bai will be called by Pratap and Anamika as Badi Maasa.


Anamika's happiness knew no bounds and it was a surprise for her. She immediately ordered the servants, "Prepare everything for welcoming Ranasa who is returning with Victory". 

The next day came quickly for others but for Anamika, it was painfully slow. Early in the morning, She completed her Puja (Prayer) and started dressing herself up with more jewelleries than she had used in these two and half years. Since the one for whom she should dress up is not there, she avoided heavy and extravagant dressing. When the Sun rays started to enter through the windows, Abhimanyu, who was sleeping in the attached room of Anamika's where his sister was still sleeping, came out of the room while clearing his hazy eyes with his fingers. And what he saw blew his mind and sleep away. He shrieked, "Maa!" and went to Anamika who was sitting infront of the mirror. He saw her with twinkling eyes and open mouth which made Anamika go aww on him as he looked cute and she kissed him. Abhimanyu returned her kiss and asked,"Maa! You are looking beautiful today. Why didn't you wear these before but only today?". Anamika replied, "My Sher(Lion)", she pulled him on her lap and said,"I'm wearing this today and also I will be wearing this kind of dress hereafter. Because your father is coming right". Anamika smiled at her son who seems like he got reminded about his father's arrival.

Abhimanyu immediately got off her lap and said,"I have to go and wake up Prati quickly. We will show our sword skills to Baba".  Saying so he quickly went to their room and woke up Prati by reminding about their father's arrival and that information did the job of waking her up. Pratiksha exclaimed,"Oh Bhai(Brother)! We decided to wake up early but got late". To which Abhi replied,"Don't worry Prati, there is still time. Sun has only risen just now. And I have a surprise for you". Saying this he closed her eyes with his small palms and took her out of their shared room and went inside Anamika's chamber and opened his palms. Pratiksha also got surprised at the new look of her mother and ran to hug her which Abhimanyu joined in a second and made it a group hug. Later both the kids went towards Pratap's portrait and wished him Good morning. Then Anamika took their attention who were discussing what they will show to their father and said,"Since you both are eager to welcome your father, you should get ready quickly. I have asked Kamala to prepare a bath for you two. So don't trouble her like other times, because I will not be able to come to give you bath today. I have many works in the Kitchen as well. Do you understand?".

Both the children nodded their head at their mother and went to get their bath with the help of Kamala. During this time, Anamika went to the Royal kitchen to check on the preparation of food for not only Ranasa Pratap but also all the soldiers who are returning. But already Jaiwanta and Rathnavathi were overlooking the preparations. So she directly went to prepare her hand made sweets for her husband. Once that is done, Anamika came back to her chamber and cooed at her children who were dressed extravagantly for they are going to have a public appearance in the formal occasion. Both of them tucked their small knife with a designer cover on their sides.

Soon they heard drums beating and realised that Ranasa with his soldiers have entered the palace premises and then they too went to welcome him at the entrance. Pratap climbed down from his horse in his warrior attire and removed his helmet. He came and took blessings from his father and both mothers and then stood infront of Anamika. She took his aarti and put holy tilak on his forehead following which he patted her cheeks. Then he looked down at the two small people standing beside her and knelt in front of them. The children looked at him, then looked at each other and then looked towards their mother, who understood their dilemma and blinked her eyes. As soon as she assured them, both brother and sister ran into their father's arms. They had been seeing his portrait where he had no beard but now seeing him with a beard confused them. Pratap felt calm and relaxed after taking them in his arms after two and half years.

Pratap kissed both his children's faces and they too kissed him in return. Both the kids asked together,"How are you, Baba?". Hearing them talking itself felt surreal for Pratap and on top of that hearing the word Baba from them made him feel top of the world and he had tears of happiness in his eyes. He picked both of them in his arms, answering about his well being and proceeded to go inside the palace while Anamika followed them and their parents gave them their privacy.  Once Pratap got inside their chamber, he asked them their favorite food and other things while making Abhi sit on the bed near him and keeping his daughter on his lap, listened to their rant about whatever they had done and learnt in his absence. The twins had such a sync that when one stops, the other starts their story and they never overlapped. And after that, both of them took their wooden sword kept on the stand and started a mock fight to display their ability in sword fighting, which actually looked cute for Pratap. Afterall watching two year old kids fighting will definitely make you go aww on them.

Anamika let them do it for some more minutes and then asked Pratap to freshen up in his own chamber where she had already prepared everything. While moving out of the room, Pratap looked at his portrait and looked at Anamika in understanding. Then he said, "Anamika, I need your help in bathing. Can you come with me?". Anamika looked shocked as kids were still in the room and then Pratiksha said,"Maa! Even Baba doesn't know to bath it seems. You go and help him, we will wait for Baba to come". As soon as she finished it, Pratap smiled at her baby talks but his smile didn't last for long. Abhimanyu spoke,"But Prati, Baba is big boy right then he can do his work on his own, just like Maa does". Anamika controlled her laugh seeing Pratap's narrowed eyes at their son. Anamika controlled the situation by saying,"My sher, your father came after a long time right, so he forgot the place. That's why he needs my help."

Abhimanyu nodded his head in understanding as if he had granted permission which made both his parents adore him even though Pratap was irked that he has to get permission for romancing his own wife. Leaving the kids under Kamala, Anamika and Pratap left to his chamber. On reaching his chamber, Pratap removed his warrior attire and then dismissed all the maids and pulled Anamika by her waist. He said,"So, how is my Ranisa doing?". "She was missing you and waiting for you", Anamika replied emotionally while unknowingly a tear slid down her cheeks. Pratap wiped her tears and joined his forehead with hers and said,"I missed you too". Then he pushed up her chin and kissed her passionately pouring in all his love. They parted for breathe and then this time Anamika pulled him in for a kiss again. After a few more minutes of kisses, Pratap said,"I'm desperately waiting for tonight". Anamika smirked and replied,"The kids have already been called by their grandparents to sleep tonight". And one last kiss, he pulled away and went for bath.

Ranasa -- King (hereafter Pratap)
Ranisa -- Queen (hereafter Anamika)
Baabasa -- Father
Maasa -- Mother
Badi Maasa -- Elder Mother


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