Chapter 2 - The Meet

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Once the Puja is completed, Anamika and Pratap stood up to get blessings from elders. They got the blessings from Ranasa and Ranisa. When they were about to leave for their chamber, Ranisa interrupted them and said, "Bahuranisa, we have guest here with us. You should take their blessings as well. Don't you know such small things? ".

Anamika turned back and looked at Ranisa and then her eyes moved towards the person who is the guest. She still remembers the same eyes which held the hatred as well as begged for mercy at a later point of time. In the last lifetime, when this puja was held, Anamika was naive enough to take blessings from everyone without knowing which one is a curse. But now she knows the cunningness behind the fake smile. Her Ulterior motive.

Anamika replied, "Ra- ", she corrected herself before anybody noticed and continued, "Maasa! I thought that we can get her blessings next year". Anamika now has to be careful with her behavior. Everyone frowned at her words. She continued with a smile that indicated the enemies doom, "Along with our baby".

Ranasa and Pratap smiled at her answer. Especially Pratap was happy because Anamika is neither sad nor upset due to the puja. But Ranisa and her guest are not happy. They wanted to use this opportunity to hurt her but now she closed all their paths by simply being optimistic. Usually they fake console her about the baby, by repeatedly talking about it. Now that is not possible.

"Sure. I would be happy to bless you all", Ranisa Meenavathi, friend of Ranisa exclaimed. Suddenly a maid came and said, "Ranisa, a message came from Pandit ji".  Anamika looked at her curiously because the maid was supposed to say that Pandit ji had come. And that's when her life was changed as he was the one who said that Pratap had to marry again.

Ranisa asked her to continue, to which she said, "Ranisa, Pandit ji said the he will come day after tomorrow. Since there is a rare eclipse starting today evening and ending by tomorrow, he feels it will not be good to come today."

Ranisa nodded her head and dismissed the maid. Everybody returned to their chambers and Anamika also went back to her chamber. She was still in thoughts when she felt a hand on her shoulders. She was surprised to see Pratap. He asked, "What are you thinking so deep? "

All the way Anamika was thinking about the new incidents which didn't happen in her previous life. She felt that it was a sign from God indicating that she could change some events in this life and everything need not be same as the previous time. She still has not come to terms with the new changes in her life. That's why she often forgets about how she called everyone initially and so on.

Even now, she forgot that Pratap and her used to be in the same chamber all the time before his second marriage, even though he has a separate chamber for himself. That's why she got surprised when shook her out of her thoughts.

Thinking this to be a boon for her to correct the mistakes that she overlooked previously, Anamika smiled at Pratap and answered him, "Nothing Pratap". Seeing her genuine smile towards him which was missing from the morning, he felt at peace and kissed her forehead. Little did he know that this smile was missing for years till she had her son in their previous lifetime.

Anamika cherished these feelings which she missed for decades and unknowingly she teared up. She finally to a conclusion that if She really having this new life, then why not live afresh with him. So she hid her tears and reassured him that she is fine. Pratap left to finish his works.

Now Anamika was ready to tackle her enemies step by step. After all, she didn't forget about her unborn child.


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