Chapter 41 - Family

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Hereafter, Ranasa(Pratap's father) will be referred as Baabasa,  Ranisa(Pratap's mother) will be referred as Maasa and Jaiwanta Bai will be called by Pratap and Anamika as Badi Maasa.

Leaving her lips, he whispered,"This is our first time after the kids are born that too after two long years and your body has changed so much than our last time". Slowly their clothes were discarded and the room was filled with their passionate moans and groans.


(Imagine the kids words in baby slang which means unclear words).

Pratap and Anamika slept only when the sun started to rise, so they were sleeping while cuddling each other's naked bodies. On the other hand, Abhimanyu and Pratiksha are early risers so when they woke up and didn't find their mother, initially they panicked but then remembered that it is their grand mother's chamber. While their badi Dadisa (First Grandma - Jaiwanta) was outside the bedroom and completing her prayer, these two kids tried to leave the room to go towards their own chamber but was stopped by their choti Dadisa (Second Grandma - Rathnavathi) who came to check upon them. She somehow convinced the kids that their parents were sleeping as they were tired due to yesterday's celebrations and they shouldn't be disturbed. So the kids took a bath in their grandmother's chamber itself and played with their both grandmothers.

It was just an hour before noon when Anamika woke up from her slumber and didn't realise the time since the curtain was still closed. She looked at Pratap beside her who was sleeping peacefully and she didn't have a heart to disturb him so she slowly slipped off the bed. Immediately she felt pain between her legs reminding her about their deeds last night which made her blush again. Then slowly she went to the bathroom and cleaned herself up without the help of maids as she didn't want any other person inside the chamber when Pratap is there. Then she came out of her bedroom and did a small prayer and ordered the maids to not disturb their Ranasa. Anamika went to check upon her children as today the entire Kingdom is celebrating the arrival of Ranasa and the soldiers so there is no work today and neither her women army's training. As soon as she entered her elder mother-in-law's chamber, the kids came running towards her and hugged her, wishing her Good Morning. Anamika replied them and took a seat beside her both mothers-in-law after greeting them. Rathnavathi and Anamika's relationship is very formal but cordial. Anamika couldn't simply forget everything at once but at the same time, her mother-in-law didn't do any crime other than kitchen politics where it is very normal for ladies to dominate for establishing their power.

Jaiwanta cleared her throat and said, "Bahuranisa, Are you doing well right now? I'm asking because you were so tired due to all these celebrations that you slept till late". Anamika could make up from her tone that she is simply teasing her so she hid her blush and replied,"Yes Badi Maasa, I'm good". Abhimanyu and Pratiksha were looking at their interaction and then Abhimanyu asked his mother,"Maa, Are you hurt? Why is your neck so red?". Anamika touched the part where he pointed and immediately knew what he was asking about. She was embarassed in front of her mothers-in-law but tried to cover up the situation although she couldn't cover up the hickeys. She said,"My Sher, It was a mosquito bite, thats it. I forgot to pull down the curtains". Abhimanyu nodded his head accepting her explanation and then both the kids were asking for their father and asked for their parents to play with them today since they don't have sword practice today. Before leaving, Jaiwanta said,"Bahuranisa, seems like we will need to welcome another grandchild soon". Anamika went away from there without answering their teasing question and pulled the kids to the garden for them to play, citing an excuse that their father needs sleep as he came home after so long.

After sometime, even Pratap woke up and got dressed and came to the garden after getting to know their whereabouts from the maids. Once he reached the garden, he saw Anamika sitting on the swing while the kids were playing. He came and sat beside her while pulling her near him. Sitting on the swing which Pratap gifted her on their first anniversary, both of them reminiscence the long way they came till now. The kids saw their father and immediately ran towards him and pulled him to play hide and seek with them by blindfolding him. Anamika simply laughed seeing them easily hiding from him due to the height difference. At night, the kids slept late due to spending time with their father.  Once they slept, Pratap came after refreshing himself up and  back hugged Anamika who was removing her jewelleries for the night. Anamika said,"Pratap! The kids are sleeping in nearby room. So Don't try to come near me and sleep". Pratap simply lifted her in bridal style when Anamika exclaimed, "Pratap! What are you doing?". Pratap simply replied,"I am not gonna restrict myself cause of kids. Otherwise how will we give them younger siblings?". When Anamika tried to reply again, Pratap interrupted and said, "At the same time, I cannot take risk of the kids hearing us. So I have made an alternate arrangement". By then he already took her to their attached Balcony, and his arrangement made Anamika's jaw drop. In the balcony there is a new swing attached, which is not the size of a normal swing rather it was the size of a bed. And the swing can be adjusted to either lay on the ground or pulled up to different heights.

"Now we can take our sweet time and we don't need to afraid of getting caught by the kids.  You can be as loud as you want.  Since it is only hills here, no one can see us and moreover, we can have the thrill of making love out in the open", Pratap explained his arrangements while putting her slowly on the swing bed which is put on the ground right now. Then they spent the night passionately and slept after a few rounds of love making. When the first sun rays fell on them, slowly both of them started to stir. Anamika woke up first and looked around and started to dress up quickly as it is very uncomfortable to be naked during the day time and that too in the balcony. Pratap also got up and both of them went inside the bedroom. While Anamika went to the bathroom to take a bath, Pratap checked upon the kids who were sleeping cutely. Then he too joined Anamika in taking the bath which extended their bathing time due to their love making. Finally Anamika came out first and got ready, followed by Pratap who took his leisure time for taking a bath.  When Pratap was getting ready, the kids woke up and as usual came to greet to greet Anamika and instead of wishing Pratap's portrait, they started wishing their father in person, which made them excited. Pratap kissed his childrens' forehead and took up the responsibility of getting them ready. So Pratap and the kids enjoyed their bath time and came out to get dressed. Pratap also had to change his clothes due to their water games during the bath and Abhimanyu watched his father getting ready and when Anamika came to him to make him ready after she was done with Pratiksha, he demanded her that he needs a crown like his father is wearing. Pratap lifted his eyebrows at his demand and Anamika chuckled at his demand. Then she explained that he had to work hard to get a crown like that. Anamika got lost in her thoughts about her previous life where Pratap and Abhimanyu didn't share such an intimate father-son relationship and how much they both have missed in their life.

The kids laugh brought her out of her thoughts and she saw that Pratap and kids were joking and laughing at something. She felt satisfied and happy to have this second chance. Then Abhimanyu turned towards her and asked, "Maa, Today also mosquitoes bit you?". Anamika immediately replied no as she had already covered the hickeys. Then Pratap promised them that he will take them to their family deity's temple and will buy them toys in the market while returning back. The kids went for their sword practice with the women army where Anamika will join them later. Pratap asked Anamika while pulling her by waist,"So Mosquitoes?". She glared at him and said,"Don't give me hickeys at neck. I cannot answer my little Sher". Pratap tightened his hold on her and said,"I have the first right on you. And he came after me, don't forget that. I won't compromise for him. Ok?". Anamika rolled her eyes at his jealousy and pushed him away lightly. She knows that he cares about the kids and won't do something that will corrupt their innocent mind. Pratap was about to go to the court, although Anamika had handled everything regarding the newly captured Kingdoms, he still need to properly conduct a court to announce their victory. Before leaving, he said, "I am taking the kids out, so you take rest. I know you need it". Anamika smiled at his words and nodded at him.

Few days passed by, and it was the day of Rakshabandan (a ceremony to celebrate relationship of siblings). So everyone gathered in the ceremony hall with Abhimanyu and Pratiksha dressed up cutely. Then the rituals were done under the guidance of their grand mothers and finally Pratiksha tied Rakhi (a thread) to Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu gave her the gift which he purchased with his father. Suddenly Jaiwanta bai said,"Next year, may be Pratiksha will have another little brother to tie Rakhi or Abhimanyu will have another sister ro gift". Both the children looked at their parents with different expressions. Abhimanyu was looking at them with a frown while Pratiksha was looking at them with expectant eyes. The parents were dumbfounded and embarassed at the same time. Rathnavathi and Padmanab were laughing at their awkward faces. Abhimanyu looked at his sister and asked,"Prati, Do you want a brother or sister? I will bring whoever you want. If you don't want any, then no one will be coming". The parents and elders don't know whether they should enjoy the cute brother and sister or laugh at their innocence. Pratiksha said,"I want a younger sibling bhai. It doesn't matter whether it is a brother or sister". Abhimanyu smiled and nodded at her. Then he looked at his parents and said,"Maa, Baba, when will you bring the new brother or sister?". Anamika replied,"It will take some more months, my Sher. We will see that later. Now come, let's go for lunch". Everyone dispersed for their works later.


Hi guys,

For all the Indians, belated happy Independence day.

And this is the longest chapter in this book till now. 1850 words. I thought I might need to introduce two leaps in this chapter alone as I don't have much to write but once started there are more to write and many moments to show.

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