Chapter 17 - Surprise

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Pratap and Anamika together entered the hall in which the baby shower ceremony is organized. They took their seats in the middle and one by one every guest was performing the rituals and blessed Anamika. At first, it was Ranisa who started the ritual as the mother of Pratap and once everyone finished, they were about to close the ceremony when Anamika stopped them.

She addressed Ranisa, "Maasa! Everyone has completed the rituals but my mother has not done it for me. So I insist that you include her as well". Ranisa was not fond of this so she refused Anamika's request saying, "No Bahuranisa. I can't allow this. It's inauspicious for a widow to participate in such occasions".

Anamika replied, "I cannot change your thoughts Maasa. But She is my mother and she has the right to bless me if not others". When Ranisa was about to refuse again, Pratap interrupted and said, "Maasa, Atleast for the happiness of your grandchildren inside her womb, you could fulfill her wish right? "

Ranisa succumbed to his request and asked for Anamika's mother to do the rituals. Finally the ceremony was completed without much drama as the women had nothing to say or taunt. Ranasa's sister was jealous of the happiness, her brother's family has got. Meenavathi, although invited, couldn't make it on time.

Now it was time for Pratap to gift Anamika. He gave her a jewellery set which disappointed Anamika, but she didn't show it. Once the ceremony is over, Pratap took Anamika with him towards their chamber. Anamika didn't talk anything and let him lead her. Pratap opened the door and let her in, while Anamika was still upset and didn't look around herself.

Anamika was about to proceed forward and looked up. Pratap chuckled at her dumbfounded face and snapped his fingers in front of her face. Anamika looked at Pratap and hugged him in happiness exclaiming, "Thank you for your surprise. I'm so happy". Pratap hold her waist and said, "I can see that. You thought that jewellery was a surprise right. But this is a very special surprise only for you". Saying so he kissed her forehead.

Anamika looked around the nursery room for kids which Pratap had designed for their kids. It was exactly like how he designed it in their previous lifetime, according to her wishes. Only exception is that this time everything is two, two cradles, two mini forts, two mini chariots and all other things.

Anamika asked Pratap, "The cradle is exactly how I imagined it, Like a mini throne. So even our daughter or daughters will get a throne like cradle?". To which he replied, "Yes. As parents, we should not differentiate between our children. So I made everything similar". Anamika was just so happy that she don't know any other way to express and just kissed his cheek.

Pratap was caught off guard when she kissed and before he could recover, she went off to the adjoining door in the nursery which connects to her bedroom. Pratap followed her immediately and caught her before she could move further in a rush, with her huge baby bump. He slowly went near her and leaned towards her ear and whispered, "The nursery was a gift for the kids. Not for their mother."

He looked at her face, who was stunned and looking at him with wide eyes. He slowly made her sit on the bed and knelt down in front of her. He took a box from under the bed and opened it. Anamika was eager to see his gift for her. Pratap took the gift from the box and kept it in his hands. He slowly took her feet in his one hand while she tried to stop him. He forcefully took her feet and put on his gift on her feet.

He did the same for her other feet as well. Then he stood up and sat beside her. Anamika leaned her head on his shoulder and asked, "Why did you do that Pratap? ".  Pratap replied, "What! I just helped my wife and there is no harm in touching her feet, especially pregnant wife".  When Anamika didn't reply, Pratap asked, "Leave that. Now tell me how is this slippers. These are handmade ones with special care for swollen feet". Anamika just nodded with a smile and kept her head still while closing her eyes. After making sure that Anamika is resting in her bed, Pratap came out of her chamber to move to his chamber for official works.

While Anamika and Pratap were in the nursery room, on the other side of the palace Ranisa was surprised by the arrival of her new guest. "Pranam! (Greetings) Ranisa", Meenavathi wished Ranisa. Meenavathi was already invited and Ranisa was not surprised by her arrival. But what amused her was the one who is standing beside Meenavathi. "Pranam!  Ranisa", a soft voice greeted her, who is none other than Saudamini, Meenavathi's daughter. Or in other words, Ranisa's choice for her son.


Hi guys,

Sorry for not updating yesterday as I had a bad day at work and my total mood got spoiled.

Although it is late but still, Happy Mahashivratri.


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