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September 4th 2021

His eyes are like pools of honey
The more i look the deeper I fall
And i catch my self feeling as if I could live in a world of brown and gold
My favorite thing has always been
Being seen by him. He doesnt just look
But admire as if he sees something i do not. He stares as if im something new in a unchanging world, like im beautiful.
It makes me believe im beautiful. If I could live in a moment for all eternity it would be in his view.

Years ago we had crossed paths but the time was not right. Even then I felt he saw me. His glance made the air still and clocks slow. Everyone else turned to back ground noise like the low hum of a old TV.  For that short passing  glance I was real. It was not love but I believed it could be. I still do. With any luck time is on my side and we are in the  moment our love was meant to engulf us. It may linger and we may last or pass by like the flick of a lighter. A simple blimp in time but either way I shall cherish every moment I get to spend under his gaze. I will admire every wrinkle in his smile and every freckle on his skin while im close enough to feel his breath on mine.
And I will never forget the moment the words "I love you" leave his lips because in that moment if it ever comes, will live forever in my heart.

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