Chapter 1

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"ANTHONY!!!" "Anthony, Anthony stay with me, stay with me Anthony"


"Thats all I really remember from my time of living, he sounded so scared and upset. And I felt the need to tell him it would be ok, and that he needed to smile, because he used to tell me something all the time and him without his smile wasn't the same" "oh Angel, I'm so sorry" "it's fine Charles, it's in my past. Hopefully he went to better place than this place, right?" "Yeah, hopefully" we sit in the gathering room, we were talking about how to make the hotel better when the memory popped up out of nowhere, I can't even remember the guy's name just that I love him, and it was my father who killed me.

I lose myself in my thoughts and zone out again, not caring or listening to Charlie or Vaggie, I don't really care at this point. Why should I, besides I made choices to get here, my own choices. The only reason I agreed to help her was to get away from Val and his bullshit.

"gel....ngel...ANGEL" I snap back to reality with a jump, "Sorry, but are you ok? you zoned out again" "y-yeah, just thinking" "maybe we should talk about the hotel later, you look like you need some time alone" "y-yeah thanks Charlie and Vaggie" they leave, and I stay sitting there thinking back to my past life.

--1915, New Orleans--

"Look Tony, we got a big job tonight and Pops is counting on us, think you can focus tonight?" I remain silent, "Anthony?" my brother Enzo touched my shoulder making me look to him with my cold dead eyes "Tony, I know you hate this life but please, we got to do this." I look away and nod my head not giving a rat's ass. "*sighs*, come on Tony let's get this done" he leads me down a road so we can get to our target, some hot shot who's been hurting Pops deals and cargo shipments, I could care less about him and the mob but I'm already in enough deep shit with the family as is what with being gay and everything. Yup that's right a Mobsters Son Is Gay, I got the beating of a lifetime for that one, since that day I don't give two shits about him, I only care about me and my siblings, my big brother Enzo and my twin sister Molly.

It took a few hours, but we finally reach the place, an abandon warehouse "such a cliché" "you said it Tony", we go inside guns drawn ready for anything. As we walk further inside Enzo is suddenly on the ground passed out, "ENZO" I run over to him only to be thrown to the ground and lose my gun, when I look to see who, I saw the most handsome man I've ever seen.

 As we walk further inside Enzo is suddenly on the ground passed out, "ENZO" I run over to him only to be thrown to the ground and lose my gun, when I look to see who, I saw the most handsome man I've ever seen

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He was perfect, his brown hair, his almost red eyes, the grin, even the blood on his hands and knife. I could feel the blush forming on my face, but I didn't care he was. "perfect" "never heard someone say that when I'm trying to kill them, normally they scream and beg for me to spare them" "yeah well when you live in the mob and shit you get used to people trying to kill you every day" "is that so? you know I've never met someone like you before, what's your name?" I couldn't help it, I laughed, "what? something funny to you" "no, it's just, I can tell you kill a lot, but shouldn't you know never talk to your victims, it causes you to hesitate or in some cases grow a tiny heart. But then there's the fact. I didn't come alone you've forgotten about my friend"

He loses his smile and looks over to Enzo still passed out on the ground "he's still out cold you mor...OOF" I kick his stomach forcing him off from on top of me making him lose his knife, I quickly grab my gun then get on top of him pinning his arms above his head and putting my gun to his head, he looks surprised to say the least, "h-how did you do that?!?!" "I live in the mob, messing with heads to get the upper hand in kinda our thing, besides you did fall for it" "I guess that's true, so are you going to kill me now" "depends" "on?" "You the one messing with the Vittano Family?" "No, I'm a serial killer I have no interest in Mob work" "then I have no quarrels with you" I pull my gun away, "you stay away from my brother and Vittano work then your free to do your work for all I care" "Deal" I release him and go over to Enzo and check him over, I then pick him up and start to leave.

As I walk out the door, he calls out to me, "WAIT" I turn back to him "yes?" "I never got your name" I chuckle "It's Anthony, Anthony Vittano" he smiles "I'm Alastor, Alastor Walker" I grin "nice meeting you, see you around" with that I take my leave never noticing the smile never leaves his face.


I jump out of my thoughts and fall on the ground with a shout, "GAH" I sit up rubbing my head 'what the actual hell? Alastor, it couldn't....' "Angel darling are you alright" I jump at his voice " AL...I mean yes, just thinking is all..." completely lie but hey what he doesn't won't kill me. "Very well" he starts to walk away but stops and turns to me and I swear to Lucifer I saw MY Alastor before he fades back to Smiles. I shake my head trying to clear it, "Angel are you sure you're, ok?" "y-yeah just thought I saw something"


Enzo *Arackniss*

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Enzo *Arackniss*

Enzo *Arackniss*

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