Chapter 6

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I walked down to breakfast in shorts and pink hoodie, I felt like being helpful, so I let my 3rd set of arms out today. Apparently, that wasn't a good idea "MY GOD ANGLE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I look up from phone while holding Nuggets in my 3rd set and my 2nd doing nothing currently to find Vaggie yelling at me "What?" "your arms! You have your 3rd set out! What the fuck" "so what if I have my 3rd set out, it's not your body" "You only ever use your 3rd set for the Terf Wars!" "not always, but fine since you hate them being out..." I put Nuggets in my 2nd set and retract my 3rd set for I only have 4 arms instead of six "Happy" I walk to the table and sit down, when Charlie sets a plate of food in front of me I push it away no longer hungry.

I sat there petting Nuggets and looking at my phone when Alastor sits across form me, "Good Morning Angle I see you have decided not to eat...once again" I look at him still feeing pissed "whats it to ya, ya Culo ficcanaso (1)" "I'm sorry?" "(2) Guarda come ti fottiti e fatti gli affari tuoi, cazzo di cazzo" suddenly Husk in next to me with a sex on the beach cocktail, I look him the eye, but he caught me off guard when he started speaking ITALIAN of all things "(3) Ehi gambe, sembri che tu ne abbia bisogno. E sì, parlo italiano, non stupirti" "(4) Grazie Husk" "why Husker I didn't know you spoke other languages, this is a surprise to me" "yeah well you never asked, and I only speak Italian why Angle needs someone to talk to and he's pissed" I watch Alastor nod and leave "so care to talk about what pissed you off this time?" I nod and he walks over to the bar and sits across form me and lets me spill. 

"(5) È solo Vaggie, ha avuto un attacco perché avevo il mio terzo paio di braccia aperte. Li ho tirati fuori solo perché pensavo di fare così un lavoro in giro per il posto e preparare il pranzo più tardi, ma lei ha avuto un attacco e mi ha fatto incazzare, soprattutto quando non mi ha lasciato spiegare. Quindi li ho messi via e mi sono seduto. Pensi che abbia reagito di nuovo?" I watch his reaction to my little ramble "No angle I don't think you overreacted, in fact I think she overreacted, look if you want your arms out then let them out its not up to her" I nod and he smiles at me before I let my 3rd arms out "see your fine, now finish your drink and get to work" I nod and finish the drink and start on the top floor.

(1) Nosey Ass
(2) Look how abou' ya fuck off and mind ya own fuckin' business, Fuckin' prick
(3) Hey legs, you look like you need this. And yes I speak Italian, don't act surprised
(4) Thanks Husk
(5) It's just Vaggie, she threw a fit because I had my 3rd set of arms out. I only had them out because I thought of maybe doing so work around the place and making lunch later but she threw a fit and it pissed me off, especially when she didn't let me explain. So I put them away and just sat down. Do ya think I over reacted again?

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