Chapter 9

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I wake up once more with a pounding headache, "the actual fuck" I get out of bed and dress in my old mobster outfit the n head downstairs when someone starts off yelling at me "NO WAY ANGLEDUST, YOU GET BACK UP STAIRS AND CHANGE, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL YOU GOING TO THE TURF WAR" Vaggie, she's getting on my last nerve! I'm at my limit, one more push and I'm gonna kill something "YOU HEAR ME SLUT" *snap* and there it is.

"If you'll excuse me, MOTH, I'm going out." I shove past her and out the front door. I wasn't planning on going to the turf war, but you know what, I will.

It didn't take long to find one, I ran into Cherri who was one her way to one with Sir Pentious, or Edge Lord as we like to call him. Honestly what is up with him, I personally think he needs to get laid, but hey thats just me. We get there and I stop and look to find "ENZO" he looks up at me and grins we walk up to one another and start talking about the old days. We didn't even register the fight going on, "so Tony remember the warehouse?" "Yeah, I do. it's when you got knocked out and I saved your sorry ass" "haha, very funny" "I thought it was hilarious" "Clearly, anyways I know you didn't take out the guy that got the drop on me, so what happened that night?" "He wasn't the target, so I wasn't going to worry about him." He nods "Tony, duck!" we both duck just in time to miss a few eggbois being tossed over our heads "damn those things are so annoying" we say in sync "so how's Molly, seen her around lately?" "Well after this I going to go visit her, if you want, we can ditch this and go now" "sound good" we start to walk off the feild when 2 voices catch us "WHERE THE FUCK YOU GO ANGIE?" "Nissy Where Are You Going?" I look to my brother "Nissy? thats new" "don't you start ANTHONY" "WHY YOU LITTLE...." we burst out laughing and continue our way to the "Shining Star" where Molly works, we walk inside and go straight to the dressing rooms.

It took a few minutes, but we found the door with "MOLLY DUST" across it and I gave out twin knock. "- .-- .. -. ..." which translates to "TWINS" without hesitaion the door is thrown open and I'm engulffed in bright blond hair with streaks of pink in it "TONY, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" I go to respond when Arakcniss cuts in "(1) Ehi, cosa sono il fegato tritato" "NISSY" she lets go of me to engulf my brother in hug, when she finally lets go she brings us into her dressing room and we stay like that for a few hours, laughing and talking.

(1) Hey what am I chopped liver

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