Chapter 4

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I wake up in my bed still cuddling Nuggets "What in hell? how did I end up in bed, last I knew I passed out next to my door. Oh well....feel like I'm forgetting something...but what?" I get out of bed and see I'm in PJ's "HOW IN THE HELL" I look to my door and its still locked 'strange' I let  it go and get dressed in my usual outfit then head down to breakfast, I sit next to Husk "hey Husk?" "What!" "yesterday, I said somethin' and I'm sorry, just rough day" he looks at me and nods in understanding "I thought as much especially when you started yelling in Italian in the elevator" I grin "yeah, thanx for understandin' Husk" "don't get used to it" I get up and grab an omelet with toast "ANGLE" I'm suddenly ingulfed in blond hair "hey Chuck" "OH I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU ARE YOU OK" I feel bad for worrying her but I needed time, "Yeah I just needed time sorry" "oh it's ok I understand" she hugs me then walks over to Vaggie who glairs at me. I take a seat by myself like always, I like sitting alone it lets me think without interruption however that doesn't work, Alastor sits across from me with a bowl of soup "Angle good morning, how did you sleep last night?" "I slept fine" "any back, neck, or knee pain?" "No, wait a sec....YOU LITTLE" "calm down Darling I was only helping" "I DON'T CARE YOU ENTERED MY ROOM WITHOUT PERMISSION YOU, FIGLIO DI BASTARDO"(1) "language Angle" "Italian you fucking ass" suddenly the doors are blown open by a bomb leaving all of us on the ground coughing from the smoke in the air, then I hear it, "Angle!" 'SHIT THATS WHAT I FORGOT' I hear a gun cock, 'OH FUCK' despite everything I get up and run for the stairs, I reach them and feel and bullet graze my arm "GAH" I didn't even hear the gun fire, "FUCK" I keep running up the stairs and to the roof trying to avoid being shot but I get hit every 3 shots. 

I finally burst through the roof door and land on the ground panting when I hear the sound of heels "ANGLE" 'FUCK' "I GAVE YOU ONE JOB, ONE FUCKING JOB" I look to Val but all I see is the barrel of his 1956 custom made sig, it has a black base with gold inlay near the hammer and barrel, with his signature neon pink 3 hearts and butterfly on the handle. "You Didn't Do As I Told YOU Angle!!! NOW I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING NEITHER OF US WANTS!!!" I back up as far as I can which isn't far "please Daddy, don't do this, please!" "why shouldn't I!!" "I'll work a double shift, I'll pleasure you, I'll even fuck Vox for you just please don't kill me!!!" I suddenly hear Charlie "You Don't Have Too, Because Angle Belongs To This Hotel, Not You Val!" "What are you going on about, Princess!" "Back off Charlie, I got this!" I'm struck in the face with the butt of his gun "GAH." I black out as Charlie pulls a paper from her pocket.

I wake up in my room again to someone singing to an old timey song. It almost sounds like 2 people who are the same person are singing together, but that's impossible unless.... "Alastor?" "oh good your awake" I look around and see were alone "Where's Nuggets!!!" "relax my dear he's with Husker" I nod but not fully calm down, I feel a hand touch me and can't stop from jumping, "easy Angle it's just me" I look and he's sitting next to me, I don't stop myself from wrapping my arms around him and burying my head into his chest. I expected him to push me away yelling and his 5ft or whatever but instead he wrapped his arms around me and started petting my hair. "Shh it's ok Angle, I'm here Mon Chéri"(2)

We stay like that for.....I don't even know how long "Angle dear I hate to disturb you, but I need to change your bandages" I nod and start to move away but I keep hold of his hand "are you alright dear?" "can you sing me a song, please" "what song would you like my dear?" "Sibella" I watch as he stiffens but relaxes "of course"

I begin to sing with his microphone and I would never know that the one thought in Alastors head was "Anthony"


2- My Dear

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