Chapter 7

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Felix: Morning :)

Alexa: oh hi

Felix: You need something, don't you?

Alexa: Yes, I need a ride to school

Alexa: Freakin brother forgot to fill up the gas tank

Felix: I know how it feels bro ;-;

Alexa: Your gf?

Felix: Correction: EX- girlfriend. Anyway, yes. She forgot to fill up the tank on the way home, and she went the next day.

Felix: But imagine this: She fills it up with DIESEL instead

Alexa: wtf

Alexa: What happened next?

Felix: I had to buy a new car lol

Felix: No surprise

Alexa: Soo.. About that ride...

Felix: Yes, I'll give you a ride

Alexa: Oh, and don't eat breakfast if you want some of my mom's chocolate chip waffles and some leftover bacon pancakes that my mom will put in the pan later :)

Felix: are you serious

Felix: I'm definitely not going to eat breakfast at home

Felix: will be over

Felix: Address?

Alexa: 34 Walnut Ave, 3021. The third house with black fence posts and red rose bushes.

Felix: I just happened to realise that I'm 6 houses down

Alexa: ya sure

Felix: no I'm serious mate

Felix: oh and you didn't reply to my text from last night

Alexa: Let's just forget about what happened last night

Alexa: Get your ass here before me and my brother eats all of the food

Felix: I'm going rn

Felix: bitch don't you dare start without me

Alexa: boo hoo

Alexa: seeya at the door bye

i like tacos and pizza
Have a nice day!

-Faith 🚣

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