Chapter 11

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Alexa: Hey, why are they sending me angry texts?

Alexa: It's something about you sending nudes?....

Felix: they asked me for nudes

Felix: and Aleysa said that my nudes better be fap worthy

Felix: and Ginger said yah pls

Felix: so I said ok, and instead of nudes

Aleysa: what did you send them

Felix: a troll face

Felix: and I left the group (cue the troll song)

Alexa: I can't believe that they asked you for nudes

Felix: eh, I can admit that I am definitely one sexy dude

Alexa: the frick

Felix: nvm lol

Alexa: hey wanna come over for a sleepover?

Felix: but I ain't a girl

Alexa: so you're saying that we aren't best friends?

Felix: well yes we are best friends

Alexa: I got ice cream and bacon

Felix: be right over

Felix: what do I bring

Alexa: um nothing

Felix: ok

Alexa: I'll ask my mom to set up the air mattress for you

Felix: nah, I'll bring my own sleeping bag

Alexa: U sure dude?

Felix: yes

Alexa: hurry your puny ass up before I open the freezer and eat the ice cream all of the delicious bacon that's waiting for you

Felix: don't you even dare touch the food

Felix: you betch

Alexa: is that you in a duck hoodie

Felix; no, it's the boogeyman

Alexa: will be right over to the door w/ a baseball bat

Felix: calm your tits, it's me

Felix: there's something called sarcasm you know

Alexa: idgaf

Felix: and there's something called toss your phone on to the dresser, get out of your room, walk down the damn stairs, and open the fukin door

Alexa: fuk u
Hi, sorry for not updating in a few days
My device was being held hostage by my dad
Liek if you cri everytim
Sorry lol
Vote, comment and follow pls
Will be greatly duck-preciated

-Faith 🔆

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