Chapter 1

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Felix: Hey Alexa, I need help w/ da homework :P

Alexa: Who's this?

Felix: It's Felix. I need help w/ the math homework.

Alexa: Oh.

Alexa: Well, I didn't pay attention either, so go ask someone else.

Felix: I know you finished it in class.

Felix: Pls help me.

Alexa: No. Go ask someone else.

Felix: Fuck you.

Felix: Plsplsplsplsplsplspslspslpslspslpslspslsplspslspslspslspslpslspslspsls?

Alexa: Stop it.

Felix: Nonononononononono.

Alexa: If I help you, will you stop it?

Felix: Yesyesyesyeysyeysyes.

Alexa: Ok, so I'll send you a photo of the questions, and I'll guide you, ok?

Felix: K.

Alexa: How'd you get my number anyway?

Felix: I got my connections, u got urs.

Alexa: Ok.


Felix: K so what do I do?

Alexa: Divide 8.94 by 2.4 and multiply 81.3. Add 3.2 after that. (A/N: I have no idea what I'm typing rn.)

Felix: K thx. I owe you.

Alexa: You better or I'll make you step on a fuckin Lego piece.

Felix: ;-; liek if you cri everytim

Alexa: Oh um, I gtg.

Alexa: I'll ttyl in the evening :/

Felix: K bye :)
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Have a nice day!

-Faith 🌚

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