Chapter 18

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Felix: is this real

Alexa: yes

Felix: uhh

Felix: yes

Alexa: really?

Felix: ya

Alexa: yay

Felix: scratches head

Alexa: sooo

Felix: m8 I've never dated anyone b4

Alexa: eh

Felix: oh wait

Felix: will you be my...............

Alexa: what?

Felix: gf

Alexa: there's so many types of gf's. do you mean gluten free, graveyard free, greek fruit, geek freak, great freak etc.

Felix: you left something out lol

Alexa: like what

Felix: girlfriend

Felix: dumbass

Alexa: cries

Felix: aw don't cry

Felix: I was just kidding

Alexa: rly

Alexa: fu (A/N: kishans_bilauta the lamest comeback ever 😂)

Felix: u have rly lame comebacks

Felix: anyway will you be my girlfriend

Alexa: yes

Felix: yasssssssssshunhjnnhjjhnedhjnedwccdenjwidijnfwvkdfjsvnkfjdwnvidfjsvnhhirvsbhuvsrfbhuvfrhindvf

Alexa: r u on drugs mate

Felix: happy drugs

Alexa: why

Felix: cuz ur mine now <3
Sowwy for not updating in like, 27 days?!
Anyway lol
Had to catch up with tests like NAPLAN & shit

Have a nice day!
-Faith 🍉

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