Chapter 4

36 3 3

Alexa: Hey, I'm back.

Felix: hey

Alexa: Why aren't you your usual capital self?

Felix: it's nothing, I just messed up :(

Alexa: Messed up?

Felix: yeah. My friend stole my pack of Coke

Alexa: lol

Felix: 😭 bully

Alexa: lol 😂😂

Felix: I gtg. My gf's calling me :P

Alexa: ok, ttyl. Bye

Felix: byeeeeeeeee

Felix: Was wondering if you'd like to swing by my place. Pick up the condoms xx

Felix: Holy fuck Alex, I'm so so so sorry, that text wasn't meant for you D:

Felix: That was meant for my gf....

Felix: sorry ._.

Alexa: What?

Alexa: Oh.

Alexa: Don't worry about that

Alexa: I wouldn't be surprised anyway :P you seem like a player ._.

Felix: Oh lol babe that experience was a little messy

Felix: wrong # again -.-

Felix: I hate this damn phone

Alexa: get a new damn phone then

Felix: sorry

Felix: it's dark out there

Alexa: no shit Sherlock, it's called night

Felix: *plays rude*

Alexa: *dad from rude* get the fuck away from mah daughther

Felix: why you gotta be so rude, don't u know I'm human tooo

Alexa: I don't give a shit, get away from my daughter I disapprove this wedding

Felix: lol

Felix: Have you studied for the Science test yet?

Alexa: Yes, wbu?

Felix: no

Felix: nerd

Alexa: Hey, being a nerd is nice.

Felix: but u a HOT nerd

Alexa: get the fuck away from me you creep

Felix: :( just complimenting your ass

Alexa: I hate you

Felix: and ily

Alexa O-O wat

Felix: wat

Alexa: bye x

Another update from school :D where do you guys live? I live in Aussie :)
Have a nice day!

-Faith 👽

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