Chapter 8

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Felix: hi

Alexa: Go away, I'm working on a project

Felix: Why are you in school?

Alexa: cuz

Felix: cuz what

Alexa: project duh

Felix: I can't help but feel that you forgot something...

Alexa: what is it

Felix: idk, something's niggling (A/N: definition of niggling: cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety.) at me

Alexa: the frick is niggling

Felix: go read your dictionary

Felix: you're the nerd that had a hot body and a nice booty

Alexa: I can see why your girlfriend called you an egotistical asshat

Felix D:

Alexa: now go

Alexa: bye x

Felix -.- fine ttyl x
Short chapter lol
No hate please
Poodiepie is bae
Have a nice day!

-Faith 🚲

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